Chapter 13: Almost

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"Today's going to be a great day!" Xavi announces, coming into my room for the third time this morning. Each time he has tried in an array of ways to attempt in waking me up. "I can feel it."

I groan and burry my head in my pillow. I stayed up way too late last night talking to Gavi and am suffering for it now. I don't regret it, but wonder how he's feeling. Does he regret spending so much of his precious time yesterday on me?

"I have some news that will wake you right up!" Xavi continues. His voices is way too optimistic for me to deal with this early in the morning. He has already tried his opening the curtains, blaring music and banging on the door techniques.

I grunt, hoping if I'm stubborn enough he'll let me sleep longer.

"I got a call this morning," he says, hoping I take the bait.

"You're going to visit my parents in Canada?" I answer, seriously hoping that was what he was about to say.

"Very funny mi sobrina. No, your car came in!"

"Yippy," I say sarcastically. I know I shouldn't be ungrateful, Xavi is literally buying me a car for nothing. Every once and a while the reminder of how much I'm costing him surfaces in my mind and I feel like a burden. On the other hand, I've really enjoyed Gavi driving me everywhere. I doubt I'd be as close with him if we hadn't spent so much time in his car. I throw the pillows off my head, deciding I need to get up and go to practice.

Xavi's standing at the end of my bed with his hands on his hips. "I can take you to pick it up after practice, that is if you're still coming to practice."

I sit up in bed. "I'm awake now, might as well."

"Excellent," he says, rubbing his hands together, "we leave in ten." He scurries from the room and slams the door behind him.

I'm quick to get up because I know I will fall back asleep if I stay sitting in my cozy bed any longer. With only ten minutes to get ready I throw on some random athletic shorts and a t-shirt, knowing I'll have time to change when I get to Camp Nou.

We pile onto the field, running to try and warm up our muscles. My eyes sting as we exit the tunnel and the sun sears into every inch of my body, specifically targeting my dark eyes. Gavi winces, seeming to have the same reaction.

"Tired?" Pedri asks Gavi from his other side.

Gavi matches my drowsy jogging pace and Pedri fixes his pace to be equal to ours. "I guess."

"Sleep bad?" They hold a conversation without sounding even the slightest bit out of breath. It's impressive.

"No," Gavi responds. "Got to bed late."

"What were you doing to stay up so late? If it was trying to improve your video game skills to beat me--"

"I was talking to a friend!" Gavi interjects.

Pedri tries to discreetly look past Gavi to me. I keep my focus forward and pretend I'm not paying attention to their conversation. "Make sure you're careful to not make staying up late a habit," Pedri says softly. He pats Gavi on the back as he gives his advice. If anyone else had said it, Gavi would've taken it as demeaning, since it was Pedri he knew it was meant with the best intentions.

Gavi looks over at him and I can feel him trying really hard not to look at me. "I'll be careful."

Gavi and I persist through our loosening up jog while Pedri ditches us, deeming our pace too leisurely. We barely speak when we're alone, aware how hard this day is about to be for us.

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