Chapter 28: My Responsibility

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Today I drag my friends to their first ever live Barca game. I'm so excited.

I am forced to pull them out of bed to make sure we arrive at the game on time, even with it already being eight o'clock. We get dressed in our cute game day outfits: mine consists of some simple black shorts and a flowy deep ruby shirt; I have to change into my uniform at the facility. Evie and Alana are sporting my jersey---which they made me sign while acting out being fangirls---and jeans shorts. I swear, if Alana didn't have dark brown, almost black hair compared to Evie's blonde locks, they'd look like duplicates.

We head downstairs for my morning protein shake---Xavi took the liberty of making us each one this morning---and hit the road. We blasted some pump up music and I can already tell today's going to be a great game.

We get to the facility and I send them off, not listening to their pleas to take them with me to the changeroom to wish the guys good luck. The guys do not need the distraction right now and I do not need Xavi on my tail about not following his rules. He doesn't have many, so when he does put some in place I find it crucial to follow them. Until they don't suit what I want done, then I do whatever I want. It's honestly my fatal flaw.

The starting 11 are out on the pitch for warm up and I turn around and face the stands. I spot my friends and wave at them. They scream, "Go Isla!" as if the match has already begun and I have an amazing goal scoring opportunity. I smile brightly before heading to warm up. Gavi and I do our usual---I love how this is becoming a regular thing---passing before I take a few shots. Today I have a few that go in and I hope Ter Stegen isn't off his game. When I'm content I head back over to a juggling Gavi.

"It's quite the routine we have," I comment as Gavi passes me the ball in the air. I keep it up, juggling it a few times before hitting it over to him.

He continues to juggle the ball. "It seems to be working." He passes the ball over to me and I one touch it back. Juggling is a lot harder than it looks, and me messing up on international television is not the way to give people confidence in me.

"Lets not change it then," I agree, looking across the pitch to scope out the other team. They're a mid table team, but that doesn't mean we can let our guard down.

"But what if we found something that works even better, wouldn't we want to give it a try?" he asks, catching my eye before touching the ball higher in the air so it has time to get to me.

I control the ball and juggle it a few times, considering what he said. "Is it a sure thing it'll work better?"


"Hmm, that'd be dangerous." I pass the ball over to him and he traps it.

"Nothing safe is worth the drive," he says, quoting one of my favorite songs.

I'm not sure how to respond and am saved from doing so by Xavi calling us all in.

We have our little pre-game pep talk and head out onto the field. We're playing with Frenkie, Pedri, Gavi and I in the midfield again today and right now Pedri and Gavi are hugging. I go over to Frenkie and he does a bro shake with me. Then Pedri comes over to me and envelops me in a quick hug. Then Gavi. Gavi pulls me into his chest and rests his chin on my head. Only because of the events two nights ago am I now realizing this is not a hug you give your bestfriend.

We have to pull apart, not because I want to, but because we're on television and people are watching. And waiting. Turned towards the center dot of the pitch, Gavi catches my hand and squeezes it before running off to take the kickoff.

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