Chapter 39: What Goes Around, Comes Around

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Chap 38 recap:

My thoughts were proven to be true, when he pulled away from me and left me there, barely able to stand. The crowd was still stirring but I knew that I had to get to Alec in time to save his life. After a thousand grueling moments, I finally came upon his limp body. He was a dirty, bloody mess, just laying in a slump barely breathing. I fell to my knees and practically crawled through the crowd of strangers that was steadily growing around him. They had their phones out, taking pictures and making calls amidst the chaos. But had anyone called an ambulance? And where the hell was his CIA backup?

"Someone call a fucking ambulance!" I screamed in a frightened, panic stricken voice. If the vision of a pregnant woman on the verge of fainting, while holding a bleeding and unconscious man in her arms wasn't enough to draw some attention by someone who could help, then we were both doomed.

The stress, the pandemonium, of uncertainty and having Alec's near lifeless body in my arms proved to be too much for me to handle. I wanted to be stronger, to fight Soren, to make it through this ordeal, but my heart condition and anxiety proved to be too much for me to overcome this time. My vision started to blur and seconds later, everything went black.


  Chapter 39: What Goes Around, Comes Around

I waddled down the sterile halls of the hospital that I'd come to despise so much in the last six months. It wasn't that the hospital itself was that bad, it was the memories of why I'd been a patient here and what had led up to the numerous visits I'd made to this place to see my friends that saddened me. It had only been a day since I had woken up, once again in the emergency room, and had no idea how I had gotten there. It was Nash who reminded me that I had lost consciousness during the meeting with Soren, just after I watched his brother get stabbed by one of my psycho-exes thugs. And now I was here to view my handy work for the first time since the incident. I should have seen this coming. I should have known that Soren would find out. Was it so difficult to believe that if he had people under his control in the police department, that he could have gotten to one of Alec's friends in the CIA?

It was entirely possible, and I didn't put it past him. Soren was nothing if not resourceful and I shouldn't have underestimated him. That was a shining example of my stupidity and overconfidence taking over, to a dangerous end. But more than that, Soren hated to lose and would never stand to be out smarted. He would have paid any amount of money and done everything possible, broken every law, to get what he wanted. I knew that to be true. We all did.

He was ruthless and frightening. Nightmares were made of twisted determination like his. There was no doubt in my mind that if he had succeeded with his plans to kidnap me that no one would have heard from me again. That was his style, to divide and conquer, to pillage and take what he wanted no matter the price. The consequences of this situation were entirely on me and I wasn't sure that I accepted the outcome.

"Being overconfident is like putting one foot in the grave. You're never safe J. Always be ready for an attack." The memory of Alec's voice haunted me. I could hear it in my head, giving me one of his unsolicited pieces of wisdom.

But that wasn't all that haunted me. I also heard his screams of pain, his cries for help, but mostly I could hear him asking why. Why was it him who put his life on the line for me repeatedly? Why did he almost die in surgery, when they couldn't stop the bleeding, before they removed his spleen? Why did he bother staying to protect me, we he could have taken Mira and gone to Quantico to start a better life with her? Why was he the one who always bailed me out of trouble and suffered for his bravery?

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