Fifty Three

402 36 61

-Sad Beautiful Tragic-

-distance, timing, breakdown, fighting-

-what a sad beautiful tragic love affair-

Bran had woken up Bria in the middle of the night, with a sense of urgency she has never seen in him before.

"We have to get to the Burrow," he told her while she was still fighting of the remainder of her slumber. "Ginny has been hurt."

So Bran and Bria had disaparated to the Burrow, still in their pajamas and carrying a big medical bag. The whole Weasley family was there, including Harry. They all surrounded the table while Bran had set to work, instructing Bria to do the easier tasks to get the work done faster.

She tried not to notice how Harry barely paid any attention to her. He had other things to worry about, of course.

She listened in how Mrs. Weasley was frantically telling Bran what had happened, how Bellatrix and the other Death Eaters ambushed the Burrow to taunt Harry. How Ginny got hurt in the process.

She tried not to question why it was Ginny out in the fields and not Ron. She doesn't want to know why the two were out there by themselves.

So she assisted Bran, even though Ron was throwing insults her way and the rest of the Weasley's paid no mind. Even when Harry had dragged Ron out of the room and Bria had to help apply the salve to Ginny's back, her screams of pain filling her ears.

And when it was all over, Bria did what she did best. She baked.

Muffins, she thought were the best choices. Blueberry muffins, that were soft and moist with sugar on the top. Just like what her mother had taught her.

Then, when the Weasleys and Harry were all taken care of, she left.

It was as if she had never been there in the first place.

Despite working on Ginny through the night, Bria had to wake up early the next day. Bran was set to go to the hospital at seven, and promised that he would check on Ginny and teach Bria how to change her bandages.

So Bria wakes up early, packs her things for the remainder of break and upcoming school, and they head to the Burrow. She brings bread over, loaves that she had baked the night before to bring to the Burrow, before she was called away to help Ginny.

The rays of light have barely filtered through the house when they get there. Mrs. Weasley, who is usually up bright and early, was even sleeping in. She must've been so exhausted from the previous nights that even she could not force herself to get out of bed.

The lights are still out in the kitchen, but Bria can see who's there.

Harry. With his head resting beside Ginny's, his hand relaxed in hers.

She can feel Bran look at her nervously, but she pays him no mind. Harry has never truly been hers, anyway. She has no claim to him despite what others may think.

She figures it would be more awkward for them to try and work around Harry for him to wake up and find her there. So Bria decides to rip the bandaid off and wake Harry up to get the awkward confrontation over with quicker. Besides, there's no way Harry is sleeping comfortably in that chair.

She puts the three loaves of bread she had brought along on the counter, a reminder to place it in the oven later to warm. She then walks over the Harry and shakes his shoulder lightly, and it takes a minute before Harry stirs awake.

Real or Not Real {Harry Potter}On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara