Twenty One

496 35 13

-Family Line-

-all of my pain and all your excuses-

-i was a kid but i wasn't clueless-

Dear Harry,

I told you that I would write to you a few days before Cedric's funeral, so here it is. My family has spent hours preparing all of the desserts for the wake. My mother was even kind enough to give Cedric's father a discount. She would never donate it for free. To be quite honest, I don't know much about the plans. Rye has not spoken to me all summer, and I don't expect him to talk about Cedric's funeral. But I have snooped through his letters, and have seen that he has been constantly messaging Cedric's father on the arrangements.

It's going to be a smaller funeral, so don't be upset that you can't attend. I think there's going to be around fifty people there. I even heard that the whole Hogwarts staff is going to attend. Even Dumbledore.

Cedric's friends are attending, of course. Even those that played on the Quidditch team but have graduated are coming as well. Cho is going to be there. She had written to me a few weeks ago asking if there was anything that she could do to help. I told her the only thing that she needs to do is grieve and heal properly.

Cedric is going to be buried at Walley's End, if you are ever able to visit him. His funeral is in five days.

I hope you are doing well,

Dear Bria,

Thank you for remembering to tell me. I would like to know the details about the funeral, if that's fine with you. I would like to imagine it as if I were there.

I don't think if you would know, but I have no connection to the Wizarding World. Is there a reason why Ron and Hermione haven't written to me at all this summer?

I have written them several times over, but I haven't received anything back, Is there something going on in the Wizarding World?

Thank you,

Dear Harry,

I'm sorry Harry, I just got back from the funeral to see Hedwig waiting patiently at my window. I wish I could talk about Cedric's funeral, but the wound is still too fresh. I won't be able to describe it in this letter without collapsing into a pile of tears. Perhaps we can discuss it at school, at a time when no one will be needing us for anything. I'm sure when I talk about it kk then I will also be reduced to tears.

As for the Wizarding World, it has been quiet. There is no news of You-Know-Who, and nothing I've seen out of the ordinary. The public isn't very happy with you, though. The Ministry is making you seem like a liar.

I don't know why Ron and Hermione haven't written to you. I did receive a letter this morning from Hermione, sending her condolences.

I know that the Weasley's were invited to Cedric's funeral since they are neighbors after all. But they didn't attend. Clearly, they knew when it was though.

That's all I know though.

I hope all is well,

Dear Bria,

Thank you for telling me. I would like to have that talk about Cedirc's funeral some time.

Well wishes,

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