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-I Should Hate You-

-i'd kill you if i loved you less hard-

-after all this time i still get disappointed-

It was another Hogsmeade weekend. On a usual occasion, this would please Bria, but now that she is in this fake relationship with Harry she is designated to spending her trip trying her best not to swoon at everything he does and says. She doesn't know how she is still able to function around him after he had kissed her in the Champion's tent.

He doesn't act differently around her, so at least she isn't acting weird for him to notice anything. On the inside, Bria tries to contain her feelings and make sure that she doesn't go overboard around him. Because if Bria had a crush on him before, she is certain that she is in love with him now.

How could she not be in love with him after that kiss? Sure, it was just a peck that lasted less than a second. But it was the principle of the situation, the fact that he had decided to kiss her in the first place.

Of course, when she had told him that it was okay for him to kiss her, she was joking. She had wanted to make light of the situation, of the fact that he had saved her, and despite the cold weather, she felt like her whole body was burning.

When he had carried her back to the dock, she felt sparks all over her body. And when he kissed her, she felt like she was on fire. Even if it was for only a second.

Bria looks down at her watch and notices that it's nearing one o'clock. Which is strange, since usually she meets up with Harry at a quarter to noon.

It is an extremely long time to be late to meet someone, even by Harry's standards. Perhaps they were supposed to meet at Three Broomsticks. Even though Bria is certain that they did not discuss a change of plans.

Despite her confusion and a brief wave of annoyance, she remains unperturbed as she makes her way to Three Broomsticks. Even if she can't find Harry there, she knows that she'll be able to fine him eventually. Hogsmeade is a very small place. There aren't many places that a person could hide in.

She reaches the pub, and immediately soaks in the warmth of the place. It is still cold despite it being April, and the vast number of bodies in Three Broomsticks raises the temperature considerably.

Usually, Bria would be annoyed by the heat, but as of right now, she relishes in it. The heat makes Bria uncomfortable. You would think that one would be used to it, especially for living in a bakery, but it's the exact opposite.

The bakery is always sweltering hot with the multiple ovens always on, and due to her living above the bakery itself, her house is constantly warm too. Bria sleeps with the window cracked open, even in the winter, because even the dropping temperatures are more bearable than a hot bedroom.

She settles at the bar and scans the room in search of Harry. To no such luck, she can't find him. He must not be here. So she orders a butter beer and makes a silent promise that she'll try and find him in the other shops after she tops off her butter beer.

Madam Rosmerta hands her the drink, and she slowly sips the foam so it doesn't go everywhere. It's a slow process, and she just about finishes when someone practically falls into the stool beside her.

Looking over at the person, she sees that it's none other than Michael. Of course, it's Michael.

"What do you want?" she asks him.

"Did you get ditched?" He asks her, frowning at her lack of a date.

Bria freezes for a moment but sets her butterbeer down. She doesn't know how she didn't realize that Harry had ditched her. She's such an idiot. How embarrassing is that, needing your best friend to make you realize that you had been ditched by your own fake boyfriend.

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