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-Master of None-

-you cannot call it your home-

-we always rub our hands too much-

"Come along, come along!" Professor Flitwick said.

Ravenclaws from years fourth and up were escorted into a big room with an even bigger record player. It looked like it was the height of six Professor Flitwicks.

As everyone settled in, Professor Flitwick stood on his iconic stepping stool. "Now, we are here today for something very important. For the Triwizard Tournament, it is tradition that all students fourth year and up get to have a Yule Ball."

"A ball?" Padma cried out excitedly.

"Yes, Miss Patil. A Yule Ball. This ball will take place during Holiday break, so you guys will not be going home for Christmas this year. And because of this, you are to learn how to waltz dance."

The room had burst into chatter, and poor Mr. Flitwick was not loud enough to commander the attention of the room.

"I just don't know how I'm going to get a dress," Bria says to Michael.

Michael just knocks his shoulder against hers. "I'll buy it for you."

She turns to him. "You don't have to do that, I'll just order from a second hand catalog-"

"Bria!" Michael says, clearly annoyed, "you are going to be the Champion's date! I refuse to let you come out wearing something second hand."

The Champion's date. That's the last thing Bria wants to think about. How is she going to spend the whole night looking into Harry's eyes and not make a fool out of herself?

Not to mention how awkward they were after all they did was hug and kiss on the cheek. Dancing is much more intimate. Hands are constantly wrapped around each other and there has to be continuous eye contact between two partners.


"But nothing, Bria. Look through the catalogs that Padma has and then I'll order it for you. Consider it an early Christmas present."

Bria shuts up at that. As long as Michael doesn't get her anything else for Christmas, she'll allow it. She just always feels so bad that Michael has to pay for everything for her since her mother never buys her anything other than necessities and Bria never gets paid for her work at the bakery.

Michael has bought her paints, ink, canvases, makeup, and various hair products over the years. He puts most of the little stuff into stocking stuffers and then buys her one expensive product. Last year it had been the ink pot.

She just hates that he has to provide things that interest her. She wishes she could do it herself, or better yet, that her mother would actually care enough to do those things.

"I just can't believe we're not going home for Christmas," Padma whines.

"You are the only one who is thinking like that," Terry says.

"No, Bria understands me, right Brioche?"

Bria arches a brow at her, turning Padma to look at her sheepishly. "Sorry, Brioche. I forgot."

Bria doesn't want Padma to feel bad for her mistake. So she flashes a smile, trying to reassure her. "Don't worry about it, Padma. I am glad I'm not going home though, do you know how many loaves of bread I have to bake?"

The group laughs at this, and they fall back into ease. Bria can't stop thinking about her father, and how lonely Christmas will be for him this year. Rye and Bria are going to be stuck at school and Bran has long and gone left the family entirely, leaving her father alone with her mother.

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