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-take my heart pull it apart-

-and take my brain or what remains-

Early Saturday morning, Bria finds herself in the kitchens, preparing blueberry muffins. It had been a few weeks since Harry had ditched Bria at Hogsmeade, and her dignity is still recovering. The two had barely been seen together, as Bria may or may not be trying to avoid him.

Professor Moody thankfully, hadn't brought attention to the fact that they are straight up ignoring each other. She hopes that he finally realized how bloody stupid his plan was and is finally relenting.

Her anger has subsided, but Bria is peeved that Harry had never properly apologized to her for standing her up. She understands that Harry seem to be preoccupied with something else, something that was clearly so important that Bria could not tag along.

But that doesn't mean that he had a right to ditch her and then not apologize for his actions.

But Bria decided to keep the peace and simply ignore Harry at all costs. It's not like he enjoyed her company that much anyway.

Harry is truly a frustrating person. He's lucky that Bria could not fathom not being in love with him, because if this were any other person Bria would have given up on trying to be his friend months ago.

Sometimes, Harry could treat Bria like she truly was a friend and someone that he would like to be around. He enjoyed baking with her, he complimented her artwork, and he was always polite when speaking to her.

But it seems that with every step they take, he takes three steps back and they go back to where they had started.

At least it keeps Bria in line and reminds her that she is simply there because Moody had told her to be. Harry had never wanted her, and it would do some good for Bria to remember that.

She's adding the mixture to the muffin tins when the portrait to the kitchen opens.

"It's not done yet Terry," Bria yells out, not looking up.

Terry was the one who had begged her this morning to make blueberry muffins, and he's usually an impatient person. That's why Bria doesn't let him in the kitchens with her because he always screams words of encouragement at her for "motivation".

Even after she had told him multiple times that she would gladly take the butcher's knife and chop off a few finger tips, he still thinks that he's being helpful when he screams in her ear.

Safe to say, Terry is banned from the kitchens.

"Sorry, not Terry," a voice calls out, followed by multiple pairs of footsteps.

Looking up, she sees that it's actually Ron, Harry, and Hermione, who are looking at her sheepishly.

She smiles at them. "Sorry guys, Terry begged me to make these."

"No, it's actually good that you're here," Hermione assures her. "Do you know most of the house elves?"

"Of course I do. I know all of them," Bria tells them, putting the muffins into the oven.

"All of them? There are over two hundred elves here!" Ron questions.

Bria shrugs. "So? It's not that hard to remember."

"Never mind that," Harry interrupts, "do you know who Winky is? She started working here this year."

Bria inhales sharply, trying to maintain her patience with Harry, even though he is wearing it extremely thin. "As a matter of fact, I do. But I'm warning you now, she's probably drunk."

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