Thirty Seven

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-the history book on the shelf-

-is always repeating itself-

After the devastating loss against Gryffindor, Bria put all of her energy into passing her O.W.L.S. She spent less time with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, knowing that Ron and Harry would barely study and Hermione would just snap at them the whole time.

Bria instead, chose to study with her Ravenclaw friends since they knew the perfect combination of studying and taking breaks.

Bria also didn't know how many more times she could listen to Ron regale about Gryffindor's win without her wanting to scream.

Bria and her friends studied for an exam, took the exam, and studied for the next, in a never-ending cycle. Sometimes they would be able to throw in a few hours of sleep and a meal or two, but those times were far and few between.

Her friends hadn't even drank or smoked since O.W.L.S had begun, a feat that Bria had never thought they would be able to achieve.

Long at last, came the last exam that the fifth years had to take. History of Magic would probably be the most brutal, and the most boring, and Bria has been dreading taking this exam. The only good thing about this exam is that Fred and George will finally perform their long and awaited prank.

Bria repeats in her head that she needs to make sure she finishes her exam by the time that there are twenty minutes left, as that is when they will be executing the prank.

They settle in their seats that are lined up in alphabetical order by last name. Bria is exactly in the middle of the pack, and the only person next to her that she talks to regularly is Ernie MacMillan.

"Turn over your papers," Professor Marchbanks says from the front of the Hall, flicking over the giant hourglass. "You may begin . . ."

Bria looks at the questions, and due to her exhaustion and sleep deprivation, the words begin to blur together. The first three questions were fairly easy, but Bria knew it was going to lead her into a false-sense of security.

She reads questions four: In your opinion, did wand legislation contribute to, or lead to better control of, goblin riots of the eighteenth century?

Bria sighs, knowing that she can't waste time on questions she doesn't know right away. She circles the question and goes to number five: How was the Statute of Secrecy breached in 1749 and what measures were introduced to prevent a recurrence?

She knows the points but not all of them, so she just expands on what she does know and hopes that she'll get partial credit. The rest of the exam follows the pattern as the first five problems, where Bria will know some easily, then others she'll mark to get back to later, and some she only knows in vague detail.

The hour ticks by, and when there is twenty minutes left in the exam, Bria hurries up to finish her work. She practically rushes to the front to turn in her exam, and settle down in her seat when she feels the vibrations of the castle moving.


The doors to the Great Hall open, and Fred and George fly through the opening, fireworks in hand. There is smoke trailing from the entrance, a result of previous fireworks already set off.

They set off a few fireworks, dismissing everyone out of the Great Hall, and everyone follows the twins out into the entrance.

Dragons comprised entirely of green-and-gold sparks soar up and down the corridors, emitting loud fiery blasts and bangs as they went. Shocking-pink Catherine wheels five feet in diameter were whizzing lethally through the air like so many flying saucers. Rockets with long tails of brilliant silver stars were ricocheting off the walls.

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