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-From Eden-

-there's something wretched about this-

-something so precious about this-

Bria is sitting at the Ravenclaw table for breakfast, basking in the orange glow of the Great Hall. She's absentmindedly painting in her sketchbook, painting Hermione and Krum dancing at the Yule Ball. And if she is spending an unnecessary amount of time detailing her and Harry in the corner, then it would be her little secret.

She had already painted Hermione and Krum last night, Hermione's bright smile being the focus of this painting. She had felt beautiful that night, she had told Bria herself. Bria just wished that Hermione could feel like that at all times.

This morning, her task is to brush strokes of lines that put Harry and Bria in vivid detail despite them not being the centerpiece of the painting. She tries her best to mimic the glitter that was embedded into her dress, but she can't quite get it right.

She decides to come back to it later, and instead focuses on Harry's hair. She paints various browns and deep reds to get the tone of his hair just right. She's just about to begin adding in shadows when a person sits across from her.

Bria looks up, mad that someone disturbed her relaxation time. She wakes up at an unruly early time every morning just so she had enough time to paint before Michael and the other Ravenclaws come to disrupt the rest of her day with mass chaos. She sees that it's Harry, and instantly relaxes, although she's confused about why he's sitting with her.

He hands her Witch Weekly wordlessly, and she sees her face on the cover.

Harry Potter's Girlfriend: Who is the Lucky Girl?

Bria frowns. "You know, when Rita interviewed me last week I thought it was for an article about you. I wasn't expecting me to be the focal point."

"I know, I wasn't expecting this either," he says, rubbing a hand over his face.

That damn interview. Rita had pulled her out of her Transfiguration lesson, which Bria usually wouldn't be the most upset about because she's dreadful at the subject, but she was actually getting the hang of it this time.

Rita had told her that she was doing another article on Harry and a small part would be about their relationship, which Bria now knows is a big fat lie.

Bria had answered all of Rita's questions to the best of her ability, knowing that it was the best way to get the interview done as fast as possible. She had even managed to avoid Rita's more invasive questions about Harry, such as if he was a good kisser or if she thought his hands were nice.

To dodge those answers, she had simply told Rita that she doesn't kiss and tell and that his hands were very nice to look at, all with a charming smile on her face.

Rita didn't even know that Bria was repulsed by her questions, and had told Bria that she was a cheeky little thing. She fought herself to not roll her eyes at that comment.

In her attempt to get the interview done as fast as possible, Bria now realized the consequences of her actions. Rita had only changed a few things of the article, but most of it Bria sadly has to admit that she had actually said those things.

Some of the questions were easier to answer, such as when she began to fancy Harry and why had he caught her eye. At least she didn't have to lie about those things.

Putting Witch Weekly back down at the table, she sees that Harry is admiring her painting. His eyes trace over the lines of the page, taking in the sight.

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