Forty Six

442 27 19

-Let the Light in-

-cause i love to love to love you-

-i hate to hate to hate to hate you-

Classes are different once fifth year is over. Everyone is preparing for their N.E.W.T.S. that they take in their seventh year, which helps decide whether they get jobs straight out of Hogwarts or have to find a way to work their way up. It's only necessary to take classes that relate to their potential occupation; there's no need to keep wasting their time on subjects that aren't necessary.

Everyone besides Bria, that is.

For Bria, there are really few classes at Hogwarts that relate to Bria's future. She knows that she's going to run a bakery, whether it be her family's or completely starting a new one. Still, Bria has to maintain a full schedule, regardless if she's going to use them or not.

Truthfully, the only class that Bria can see using in her future is Arithmancy, in order to help with the business side of running a bakery. There's not much that Bria needs to run a bakery, she's already an expert in how to bake and how to sell.

Of course, Hogwarts wouldn't let Bria get away with only taking one class for the next two years, so she keep the classes that have the most relevancy; Arthimancy, Potions, Herbology, and Defense Against the Dark Arts, all of which she had received Outstandings in.

Classes this year are smaller, with sixth years really only taking four to five classes. Hermione, of course, wants to exceed all expectations and takes seven N.E.W.T.S, while Harry and Ron only take four.

They were supposed to take five, but they found out they had only received Exceeds Expectations. Snape of course, does not allow students to move on to N.E.W.T level classes with merely an Exceeds Expectations, so Bria and Hermione are alone in that class.

None of Bria's friends decided to take Potions either, all wanting to get as far away from Snape as possible. She doesn't really blame them, Bria herself questions why on earth she would continue learning from Snape for the next two years. But Bria thinks there is some similarity between Potions and Baking, the only reason why Bria has been so good years previously.

There's an art to making Potions, having the patience and a steady hand to get the desired outcome. And no matter how terrifying or cruel Snape could be, it's really nothing compared to her own mother. She had survived her mother's treatment since the day she was born; she could survive three hours a week in Snape's class.

Despite only having one class today, also at a reasonable hour, Bria is extremely tired. The ngith before, her friends had decided to celebrate sixth year with smoking their psychedelics and drinking firewhiskey that Terry had stolen from his parents.

Bria partook in the affairs for once in her life, still refusing to take the psychedelics but took a few sips from the firewhiskey. It had made her feel warm and her brain fuzzy, her speech not as clear and her thoughts not as coherent.

For a while, Bria was even able to forget all about Harry and Ginny at the table, and all of those damn Gryffindors. She was able to forget her responsibility of being Harry's girlfriend and her place in the upcoming war.

But Bria is nothing but an overthinker, and her thoughts eventually circled back to everything she was trying to forget in the first place.

She cringes when she remembers her drunken ramblings, spewing slurred words about Harry and Ginny and everything in between. It's her friends fault for egging her on and letting her ramble more. They should've made her shut up the minute she began to open her mouth.

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