Mémoire 20: La nuit sans /~a dark night~

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Serenity was eating something in her room and looked at them."Why are you screaming?" She was looking straight at them.

Renèe:"Thanks good you are safe!"

Noé:"We saw three dead bodies out the bookshop and we thought you was in dangerous" They said still worried for the dead bodies.

Vanitas:"I'm sure there is a cursed vampire. The bodies were completely empty of blood"

"And? No need to be worried about me! I am not a little kid anymore!" She was angry and forgot that she had a little blood stains on her dress and on her cheeks.

Vanitas:"Serenity...your cheeks..." He said while pointed it."Is that blood?"

"Hm? Oh yes it is" She took a tissue paper and cleans her cheeks with it.

Vanitas:"Blood of who?" He asked worried. He doesn't know how to feel about it."What about our promise?"

"Of no one and what promise?" She asked because she forgot about it.

Vanitas:"What do you mean? We were agreeing you would have drink only my blood! Do you remember? After the Gala where we met Renèe!" He felt his heart broken because she can't remember it.

"Oh that...well I didn't drunk of anyone the blood so don't worry about that" She was about to go to the bathroom to clean her dress up with water but Vanitas hold her wrist to stop her.

Vanitas:"Do you think I'm stupid Serenity? Why are you acting like that?" Renèe and Noé were watching without saying something, well they don't know what to say.

Serenity didn't said anything for a moment until a voice spoke in her mind. 'Be yourself again and then bring me the Archiviste and my brother'. She was controlled before and now she spoke normal, it seemed she was back to herself but someone has still the control over her. "Sorry Vanitas, I didn't meant that to hurt you, I'm sorry" She looked down but she don't remember what she was doing before, only that Vanitas was kinda hurt."I hope you can forgive me" She said it sad to him. She seemed an other person now and everyone in the room noticed it.

Vanitas:"Serenity...are you sure to be okay?"

"Mhm? Yes I am okay, why?" She looked up at him.

Vanitas:"Nothing..." He was sure she was not okay, she was acting like two people in one."And don't worry my lady, I forgive you" He smiled at her softly.

Renèe:"Uhm...Serenity, tomorrow will be Luca's birthday and Ruthven invited us. We wanted to tell you but you were...never mind, do you want to come with us?"

"Huh? A birthday? Of course I come, even I don't know who he is. I have to make a present for him now, I have to hurry up with that!" She went fast to the kitchen of the hotel and found there luckily all berries, chocolate, eggs, sugar, milk and more for to bake a cake. Then she started to bake it.

As Serenity left the room Renèe, Vanitas and Noé looked each other worried for their friend. She never acted like that, it was like someone was inside her and talks for her." Could Ruthven be the cause?" Renèe thought but she couldn't know in that moment so they prepare the necessary for the Gala of the birthday from Luca and also for their plan. She went down to Serenity."Serenity I was thinking why we don't go to buy a dress for this occasion?" She said while Serenity was making the cake for Luca.

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The Case study of Vanitas/ Serenity x Vanitas lovestoryWhere stories live. Discover now