Mémoire 8: Une promesse

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In the meantime Renèe found Noé. He was going to take something to eat since he smelled the scent of delicious crepés. When she came closer to him, he had in his hands two creamy chocolate crepés. They looked so tasty and Renèe looked at them with sparkle eyes.

Noé: ''I took two: one for me and one for you'' He said smiling to her while he gave her the sweet.

Renèe: ''Ahhh!! Thanks!'' They were eating it while walking over the square. They started to talk about random things and the atmosphere was quite enjoyable for her who had forgot about Serenity and Vanitas.

Serenity was staring at Vanitas who came closer and closer to her face.''V-Vanitas...?'' Thats all what she got to say while he lifted her chin up to him. She was confused what he is doing now.

Vanitas:''What for wonderful eyes you have Mon Chérie'' He said in a flirty way and holds her close to himself while she stood there stiffly and stared at him. When a breeze of wind came, his hair, his long coat and his earring fluttered in the wind. He looked so heavenly, she couldn't look away. She felt his warm hand on her chin and his other hand on her back.

When Noé and Renèe finished to eat their  crepés, they sat in a bench enjoying the warm from the sun.''That crepé was so good!'' She said.

Noé:''Indeed, it was. I feel like i can eat another right now''

Renèe:''You really like eating, isn't?''

He smiled a little embarrassed.''Y-yeah, you are right but when i was a kid, my master made me always a sweet, called Tarte Tartin and it tastes so good. I think it's my favorite sweet. What about you?''

Renèe:''Uhm...i think my favorite sweet is everything which has nut cream. Ahah i don't remember why i like it that much but i do''

Noé:''Mhm? You don't remember?''

When Noé spoke those words, she understood that she had talked too much. She forgot about her duty for a moment and when she remembers, she looked around for be able to see Serenity and Vanitas but they was not there.

Noé:''something wrong?''

Renèe:''eh...? Uhm-no! It's just...i don't remember well my childhoods''

Noé:''oh-i can help with that of course only if you want''

She looked at him curious and she tilted her head a little.

Noé:''I'm an Archiviste''

Renèe:''w-what?!'' She scream louder and a lot of people turned for looked at them. She was informed about all vampire powers but she couldn't imagine still an Archiviste in live.

Noé:''Don't worry! I'll not do it without your consent''

'Maybe an Archiviste could help me to remember' She though as she was curious about her past. It was in that moment she saw Serenity and Vanitas. They seems close, maybe too much.

Vanitas made sure no one was there to see them, then he neared at her face even more and kisses her on the lips softly. Serenity blushes really much and her eyes were wide open while she stared at him surprised. She doesn't know what she should do and how she should react.'W-why is he kissing m-me?'' She thought. But then Vanitas felt that someone is watching at them so he broke the kiss and let her go.''Mhm? Vanitas? What's wrong?''She was curious and has still a blush on her cheeks.

Renèe saw him that he broke the kiss so suddenly so she hide with Noé behind a bush.

Noé:'' w-what-''

Renèe:''shhh!'' She shot him but when she realised she was too close to him, she blush a little and turn her face. Noé was confused and tried to look over the bush.

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