Mémoire 9: The Beast of Gévaudan/La bête de Gévaudan

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''Have you heard it?'' Dante asked it to Vanitas. They both was downstairs in the hotel and talked about the cursed vampires and other stuffs. Vanitas looked up.

''yes i heard it...it sounded like that someone felt down....wait...''Vanitas said and run up to Serenity's room.''...Serenity!'' He opens the door suddenly and saw her on the floor. He lift her up and lays her back in her bed.''Serenity wake up...''

Serenity woke up and looked at him.''Huh? Vanitas? Why are you back here?''

Vanitas:''I heard someone falling on the ground and saw you!'' He looked at her worried.''What happened?'' He sat on her bed.

Serenity:''I-i don't remember, i just remember that i talked with Lord Ruthven. After that, i don't remember anything'' She said and Renèe and Noé came in her room because Dante told them that.

Renèe and Noé:''What happened??''They asking worried. It was dark in the room but Noé could smell her blood.

Noé:'Blood?'He thought it while Serenity told them both the same what she said to Vanitas.

Renèe was shocked but knew then what Ruthven had done to Serenity after he talked to her.''Ruthven...''

Noé:''Who?'' He asked because he don't know him.

Renèe:''HE bit you ?'' She felt angry for how Ruthven acted, he said he wanted to protect the princess but he was acted like an impatient child. Renèe look changed as her eyes become red.

Noé:''Renèe don't use your powers, you will feel bad again''He warned her but she wasn't listening. Vanitas looked at her with his corner of eye but said nothing.

Renèe:''I'll be fine. I have something to do'' with a scary look she went near to the window and jump away. Serenity looked at her face, Renèe had a similar look as Ruthven's one especially with her eyes getting red. Serenity remembered a little bit the scary look of Ruthven before so she hugged Vanitas tightly. In the meantime Renèe came back to Altus in the royal castle in particular. She always respected Ruthven since he grown her and gave her an home where to stay but he was hiding too much things to her. In the middle of the night under the red moon, she threw the doors and shouted the name of Ruthven. The voice boomed against the walls of hall but no one answer. She remember when they both played hide and seek in the castle, Ruthven insisted to play that game she hated so much for improve her eyes sight. He was trained her and she even didn't know. She used her power and started hunting.

In the same time but in the human world. Serenity was worried about Renèe.''We can't leave her alone! What if something happens...?''She said worried.

Vanitas:''We can't go to look for her if we don't know what happens. She is really fast, we can't follow her'' He said and he had observed well Renèe for eventually protect Serenity from her.

Serenity looks at him.''Then i will go to look for her..I can't bring you in danger'' She let's him go and wanted to walk to the window.

Noé:''Serenity wait! I go, you take a rest''He stopped her and make her sat again. Vanitas agreed with him and looked up at him and nooded. Noé takes on his coat and jumped over the window.

In Altus , in the castle Renèe was continue her hunting. She moved fast and looked around carefully. Then, through a wall, saw a red figure. She was able to recognise people from their body heat. 'You lost' she throught and opened the door violently. In front of her there was Ruthven sat on an armchair.

Ruthven:''My dear Renèe, what a surprise''

Renèe:''Shut up! Why did you bite Serenity?''

Ruthven:'' What's the matter? It would be easier for our aim''

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