Mémoire 6: Charlatan

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Vanitas and Serenity walked back to them and saw that scenery's. Serenity tells him to save them while she fights against the other vampires with her abilities.

Vanitas knows what he has to do in this situation so he taked out his book of Vanitas

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Vanitas knows what he has to do in this situation so he taked out his book of Vanitas.''We meet again Charlatan!, now its time to end this!'' the book opens up itself and so he saved Noé and Renèe in the right time.

They both took consciences back and when Renèe saw Vanitas, she was shocked, not for himself but for the book he was holding.

Renèe:''That is the Vanitas book'' she said in a low voice. She knew the story behind that book, which Ruthven told her but he didn't told her about the shadow. Does he really knew about it? And if yes why didn't tell it to her? And could he hiding something more?. Her head was full of these questions and she seemed still hypnotized so Noé waved a hand in front of her face.

Noé:''everything okay?'' He noticed then that Vanitas has some blood on his neck.''Vanitas, what happened? Why do you have blood on your neck?''

Vanitas:''Hehe, its a secret Noé ''He grins.

Renèe:''Uhm...Yhea-no! This is not okay!!'' she got up and pointed to Vanitas with one finger.''why an human have THAT book?! And if i think about it you have HIS name!'' she talked strong to him even if he saved her few minutes ago.

Vanitas:''Well i am from his clan, the blue moon clan, he gave me his book and i am here to save all vampires with my methods

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Vanitas:''Well i am from his clan, the blue moon clan, he gave me his book and i am here to save all vampires with my methods. No matter what you all say. I am Vanitas, the vampire doctor!''As he said that, Serenity walked to them.''Are you both okay? What happened? And you can trust Vanitas,he saves all our lifes''she smiles to Renèe.

'How can the princess trust a blue moon clan member?! This is so stupid' Renèe thought but said nothing. She was diffident from him even more then before now.

Noé:''You can trust him! I saw he doing that serval times, he can help the cursed vampires'' he said, putting an hand on her shoulder. Renèe looked at all the three friends, how she was suppose to trust them?.

In the same moment they heard a louder scream. It seemed a girl scream. Suddendly Renèe, Vanitas, Noé and Serenity runned where the sound comes from and there was a giel eating her own mom because she was completly cursed and transformed into a werewolf.

Noé:''I remember this girl...she was the one Vanitas gave a flower''The girl was a monster and she begged Vanitas to kill her.

Renèe:''If you can do save the cursed vampire then do it now!''she said louder but Vanitas had a dull look on the girl.

Vanitas:''This is too late to saver her. When a cursed vampire transformed into a monster completly then its too late to do anything.'' he opens his book to cast a spell on the girl to free her from the life. Even he wanted to save her life, it was just too late. Serenity lays her hand on his shoulder to give him some comfort because she could feel that he is kinda sad inside.''You did the right thing Vanitas''she said to him.

Renèe watched the scene and remember something from her past. She putted an hand on her mouth and continue too stare the girl that now its a pile of dust.''Y-you killed her without hesitation...'' she was shocked and couldn't think straight.

''He didn't killed her, he saved her life from the pain, he freed her from the pain to be a monster'' Serenity looked at her.''Trust me, he knows what he is doing. I am trusting him, Noé is trusting him too. Now lets go back home to paris, since the ball is over''She goes then outside and Vanitas, Noé and Renèe followed her. They was about to go back to paris until Vanitas took Serenity's hand and placed his other hand on her waist.

Serenity was curious and looked at him.''Vanitas what are you doing?''

Vanitas:''Well you owe me a dance, Mon Chérie''He grins to her and started to dance with her a waltz while the red moon in Altus shone at them. Serenity doesn't know what to answer so she just following his steps and placed her hand on his shoulder. Vanitas smiles at her and that makes Serenity happy. For a unkown reason he is interested in her.

Noé looked at them with a smile on his lips

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Noé looked at them with a smile on his lips. He thought they was really cute together but he notices someone was not feeling good.''Renèe are you okay?''He asked worried. She didn't answer the first time to the question so Noé asked her again and then she looked at him.

Renèe:''yes...I-i need just to go home''She said and then move forward the exit under Noé's worried gaze. She wanted know if Ruthven knew about that shadow and also about Vanitas began a blue moon clan member. She wanted know but she was so exhausted so decided to sleep first. She would ask him the following day.

As Serenity and Vanitas was finished with dancing, he took her hand and kissed her hand.''Thank you for the dance Mon Chérie''He said and winked to her.

Serenity:''N-no problem, i-it was my pleasure to dance with you''She said.'Why am i stuttering? maybe i'm just tired'she thought. Then she was curious where Renèe could be, when they met she felt that they both had meet before but she can't remember. Noé,Vanitas and her was then back in paris, back in the hotel in the room of the boys. Actually she wanted to go to her roon but she felt asleep on Vanitas bed. Vanitas sighed but smiled as he layed down next to her after he changed his clothes to his pjyama.

On next day, Renèe suddenly woke up. She had a nightmare or maybe they was just memories of her childhood. Renèe doesn't remember every moment of her childhood but sometimes, when she sleep, she saw bloody scenes and then a tall male figure. She had pieces of memories and when she dreamed about them, Ruthven said to her to take some medicines but that morning she didn't took them. She was curious about the shadow which she saw the day before and she had work to do. When she was ready, before to go back to the human world, she tried to knock at Ruthven's door but she had no response.'Maybe he is busy'She though and left the castle.

When she arrived to the human world, she takes her glasses on and sat on a chair of the Café where the first time she saw them. She knew they would be there, after all it's the only place where they serve Tarte Tartin. 

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