Bad, Worse, and Worst

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Dumbfounded, I awoke from my stupor and found that I had fallen onto my butt, back pressed up against the trapdoor and covered in a thick layer of dust. Stiffly and slowly, I picked myself up and brushed my self off. Death...death? This day was getting worse.

Originally it was bad because I was assigned a trainee. I cringed, I really dislike them, but Mr. D was in charge.  Now I learn that "Oh, yeah don't worry, you're going to find the stolen object! Oh yeah-but you're going to die while returning it...." I sighed and shook my head. 

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked the frozen mummy in desperation and stalked over to grab the sides of the herse with my fingers so tight that they turned a solid white color, and peered down at it demandingly. "Tell me what to do!" But it wouldn't reply. My meeting with the Oracle was over.

I had to dig my heels into the moldy wood beneath my feet to tear my cramped hands from the mummy. There was no point for me to be here anymore, she was not going to answer any more of my questions.

Rubbing at my sore eyes, I pulled my hair out of the sloppy pony tail and just let it hang limp and defeated on my shoulders, just like my emotions. Maybe I would just sit this one out-is it really that important for me to clear my name for Zeus? I already knew the answer to that before I could finish thinking it. I already had a fairly large 'SMITE ME' sign hovering over my head where Zeus was concerned, so if I didn't do this he may just kill me for the hell of it.

Limply, I shoved open the door and breathed in some fresh air, then began to descend the old stair cases feeling as if I was two hundred years old. It was kind of pathetic. Once I was on the last staircase, the stench of amphibians and mildew faded and the appealing scent of fresh grass and strawberries blew through my hair.

Suddenly, it was as if the light breeze had washed away all of my self pity. This wasn't about me-none of the prophecy was really pertaining to me as a whole. "I'm so self absorbed." I face-palmed myself and shook my head with a morbid grin. It was like Anna and Mr. D and I have been concerned with all along.

The war and the world! Innocent people could die if I just rolled over and refused to fight. Just because the end seems the bleakest-the over all change you will have to society is like a domino effect-maybe my preeminent death would spark something in my friends to keep fighting?

Another breeze whipped my hair away from my eyes as I stepped out from the Oracle's building and I grinned at myself. Why was I dwelling over such morbid things? I needed to lighten up-it's not like I thought I would always live forever or anything. Everyone dies eventually.

Looking up at the sky as I walked towards the infirmary once more, I noticed the menacing black clouds that hung over head, Zeus was threatening us with a storm. Or maybe just you... I told myself and shrugged, I was probably right.

"DO YOUR WORST, BUDDY!" I threw my hands up into the sky and challenged Zeus-knowing somewhere deep down that this was most likely not the best idea. "I LIKE A LITTLE RAIN ONCE IN A WHILE!" 

A group of Aphrodite's children turned their perfectly sculptured faces my way and looked scared, beginning to back away from me as much as possible. A girl even asked her brother if I was crazy.

Ignoring them, I just stopped in my tracks and glared up at the sky. The clouds cracked with thunder and grew quickly in size, but never breaking the enchanted barrier around the camp. I opened my mouth to yell once more when Artemis hissed in my ear, authoritatively.

"Stop it! You are making a fool out of me and yourself-Olivia! Only an arrogant fool can taunt the god of the skies and think it will not cause problems for them!" Artemis scolded me and sighed. "Had better hope that Zeus spares you enough to let you go on a quest, my child. It appears you have your Grandfather's spirit."

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