~ Chapter Twenty Three ~

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Y/n looked at Oda as she sat in a chair beside his bedside.

"What a dumbass," Y/n spoke. Looking down at Oda, she smiled. "A foreign object rolls towards you and you decide to pick it up...." Y/n shook her head. "What a man."

Chuuya ruffled up y/n's hair. "What do you mean by that? "What a man." What are you getting at."

Y/n giggled at Chuuya's behavior. "Don't be getting jealous of him!"

"I would never..."

"Oda takes care of orphans, doesn't kill, and picks up random objects without thinking. If it was just a normal ball do you know how many germs could've been on that? All I can say is what a man."

Chuuya laid his head atop of y/n's and wrapped his arms around her. "Give him some slack."

"I think that's the first time I've ever heard you be nice Chuuuuuyaaaa!" Dazai teased as he walked into the infirmary.

Chuuya swung his arm around and punched Dazai right in the face. "Shut up." He growled.

"Owwww Chuuyaaa," Dazai whined as he had a small little smirk on his face.

Chuuya rolled his eyes as he kissed y/n on the cheek. "I have to go. Let's all go to dinner tonight?"

"I don't know if I want to go out... besides I don't know if this whole Odasaku thing will be squared away by then..."

"We'll see what we can do Chu!" Dazai smiled.

"Shut up!" Chuuya went to punch the boy again but this time he dodged.

"You missed~"

Chuuya rolled his eyes. "Bye."

"By love." y/n smiled, blowing him a kiss.

"How's Odasaku doing?" Dazai asked his voice along with his demeanor dropping. "Any signs of waking up?"

"Well, the monitor says he's been ok. And as far as I'm aware it's not a coma. I'm sure he'll be ok my love..." y/n looked at the blank expression Dazai often had on his face. "Maybe it would be good to go to dinner tonight?"

"You and Chuuya can go. I don't want to."

Y/n got up and patted the chair. Dazai sat down and y/n sat on his lap. She kissed him on the lips and smiled. "Everything will turn out a-ok."

"Sure..." he looked at Oda and the man's eyes started to flutter open. "Good to see you awake Odasaku." He said gently. "How do you feel?"

"Like every bender in my life caught up with me all at once." He sighed, sitting up. "I went to the place you told me about and Ango was there..."

"So it would seem my suspicions were correct then..."

"Yea... he left with a bunch of soldiers dressed in black."

"I'd say they were a special ops squad. It looks like we can divide these advents into two separate categories."

"Which one do the soldiers fall under?"

"They're different from mimic so they're out of the equation for the time being. Mimic is a far more prevalent threat, they've been causing trouble in the city, so we've assigned Akutagawa and other members of the combat division to deal with them. We still don't know what kind of ability their leader possesses."

"This Akutagawa guy you mentioned... he's your subordinate right? I understand he has high offensive capabilities."

"He's a naked sword without a scabbard. In time I have no doubt he'll become the strongest member of the mafia. But right now he needs to be taught how to sheath his blade."

"But I digress, this morning the council of five top executives convened. They attracted Mimic with all the Port Mafia could muster. Akutagawa and some of my team were hit by some surprise attack at the art museum. They're probably still fighting."

Dazai looked over at Oda who was getting his gun ready. "What are you doing? Are you going?"

"Didn't you just say we're hitting them with all we've got?" He asked, standing up from the bed.

"I didn't think you'd be excited about fighting. Considering your stand against killing anybody."

"I'm not excited." He let out a small sigh.

"Why are you going then?

"I've acquired a lot of debts in my life. If your guys are in trouble, I should help."

Oda left, closing the door behind him.

Dazai sat smiling. "You should forget those debts Odasaku..." he muttered. "After all no one else but you remembers what you owed them in the first place..."

✦ ✦ ✦

Y/n looked at the night sky as she walked to her door. "I didnt even realise night had fallen..." she mumbled to herself.

She had been doing shit for Mori all day. Before she knew it, it was already night.

Y/n walked into her house. Fusae was on the couch and Chuuya was in the kitchen making something. "Is... Dazai not home?"

Chuuya looked up from the boiling pot of food and to y/n. "No, he went out to get drinks with Odasaku. If you didn't get home so late you would've caught him."

"Fuckingn Mori had me with him all day. I didn't even realise what time it was..." y/n shook her head before turning her attention to Chuuya.. cooking? "What are you making?" She asked suspiciously, wrapping her arms around Chu as she watched him mix the ingredients.

"Im making Ramen. She said she was hungry and I'm not trusting her to make food. Could you get out three bowls please?"

Y/n nodded and let go of Chuuya. She reached into the cupboard and pulled out three bowls before giving them to Chuuya. She then pulled three pairs of chopsticks out of the drawer and placed them in each bowl.

Chuuya separated the ramen into the bowls, he picked up two and made his way over to the couch.

"Don't spill." He said, giving the bowl to Fusae. "If you spill-"

Y/n started giggling, walking over with her own bowl. "Your too cute Chu Chu."

"What did you just say?!" Chuuya turned to y/n in turn spilling some of his ramen. "Ahhh dammit!"

Y/n burst out laughing, making her spill her ramen too. "Ahhh it burns!!!" She was laughing soo hard to the point she couldn't breath.

Chuuya ripped her bowl out of her hand and put it on the coffee table. "Go get showered, your a mess!"

Y/n slowly stopped laughing and just smiled at Chuuya. "Do you think things will stay like this forever?" she asked.

Chuuya was taken aback from the random question but he nodded his head. "I will never let things between us change. I promise."

✦ ✦ ✦

Also sorry about this chapter being short I'm a bit rusty 😭
I'll try to get the next chapter to you as fast as possible my loves. 1-3 days at most I promise
-The One and Only Author ✌🏻😭

Body Dropper                                           (Dazai x Reader x Chuuya)Where stories live. Discover now