~ Chapter Seven ~

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Y/n stabbed the eggs in the pan as her best attempt at scrambling them.

Dazai had stayed the night yet again, when he woke up he wanted to go out for food. Y/n on the other hand didn't want to go out, at all. So she was given the task of making a simple meal, scrambled eggs.

"Y/n..." Dazai looked at y/n, who was clearly distracted. "Is something burning over there?"

Y/n looked at the eggs, they were on fire. "The hell?!" She turned the oven off and silently died inside.

Dazai got up and cleaned up the mess the girl made before making the eggs himself. "So... we're you never taught how to cook?"

Y/n looked sadly at the boy. "No..." she shook her head. "My mom didn't care to teach me a thing. She hoped school was enough so she didn't have to engage with her only child. Thank goodness she didn't have more..."

Dazai chuckled as he added ingredients to the eggs. "You had quite the childhood."

"Yea... I'm mentally fucked. But about you? What happened in your childhood Hmm?"

Dazai dropped the spatula in the pan of eggs and turned to y/n. "I don't talk about it." His demeanor fully changed. It was terrifying, to say the least.

"I- ehem... s-sorry," Y/n swore at herself for even asking. Dazai was terrifying, even if he wasn't trying to be.

The boy continued to make the eggs, making sure they didn't burn in the slightest. The room was silent, not a single word was spoken... until y/n's phone started ringing.

The girl answered and Mori's voice came from the other end.

"Hello y/n~" his voice was smooth like butter.

"Oh hey! What can I do for ya boss?"

"Well, I was wondering if you were with Dazai right now."

"I indeed am. Do you need to speak with him?" Dazai looked over at the girl and raised his eyebrow.

"I would like to speak with both of you actually. Would you please come to my office when you get the chance? It's not too important so no need to rush."

"Oh, we can head there right now."

"Ah thank you y/n. See you in a bit, goodbye."

"Bye." Mori hung up the phone. Y/n looked at Dazai who was confused. "Mori would like us to come to his office?"

Dazai rolled his eyes. "Alright."

The brunette got out two plastic cups. He dispersed the eggs equally into both before handing one to y/n. Y/n got out two wooden pairs of chopsticks and gave one to Dazai.

"Thank you!" Y/n smiled. Dazai couldn't help but smile back.

"Are you two eating eggs?" Mori stared at y/n and Dazai as they munched on their breakfast.

"This wasn't my idea..." y/n said as she took another bite. She pointed at Dazai with her thumb, a small smile on her face.

Mori shook his head at the girl. "Seems you two are getting along just fine... Anyway... Someone has been trying to break into the Port Mafia building as of late."

"Do you know what this person looks like?" Dazai questioned but Mori shook his head.

"They've avoided the security cameras almost entirely. All we have seen is the back of the person's head, and how they dress of course."

"Don't you guys usually just ignore break-ins?" Y/n questioned.

"Usually my men take them down. This person has managed to kill the men that try to attack. On the security cameras, you can see the person vanish after killing them. It's not just a normal break-in by a rival."

Body Dropper                                           (Dazai x Reader x Chuuya)Where stories live. Discover now