~ Chapter Six ~

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~Before you read this chapter is a bit gory~

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Dazai stared at the young girl with anger in his eyes as she stared back with contentment in hers. It was a vicious standoff, both sides refused to give in. "It's mine," Dazai growled out.

"But I wanted it first." Y/n glared at the boy.

"I'm your superior."

"And I don't give a shit."

Dazai rolled his eyes and slid the mochi in y/n's way. "Fine have it." He said sourly. "Don't expect me to forgive you for this..."

Y/n rolled her eyes and tour the mochi in half, taking one half for herself and giving the other to Dazai. "Here, ya big baby." She rolled her eyes.

Dazai smiled excitedly and threw his half into his mouth. "Thanks." He said, a cute smile on his face.

"You're welcome I guess..." y/n pouted, purely because she hated sharing with other people. "Soo... what else are we doing today other than going to coffee shops and bakeries?"

"Uhm... we could go back to my office and finish some paperwork." He winked, a smirk on his face.

"I will never do that again. It wasn't even the paperwork that was annoying! It was you!"

"Aww y/n-chan! Why would you say such means things about me?" He pouted, puppy dog lips and all.

"Cause it's true." She got up, Dazai following behind. Y/n threw her hands up and stretched as she left the bakery. "Let's do something fun!"

"I thought we were doing fun stuff? That's why I brought you here." Dazai pouted, a weird look on his face.

Y/n patted the boy's cheek and giggled. "I do like food. But, normal teenage things, that doesn't really fit either of us!"

"I wanted to make you happy..."

Y/n's heart fluttered for just a second. "That was very nice of you Dazai. Let's go rob a bank!" She smiled excitedly.

"Which one?"

She hummed, continuing to walk down the street. "The one right by... the police station! That would be soo fun!"

"Are you sure?" Dazai asked.

"Yes please!"

He chuckled at her odd behavior. Most 17-year-old girls didn't act this way. "Of course my Lilly of the Vally."

"Lilly of the Valley?"

"It's a very deadly flower. I think it fits well."

Y/n giggled at the little nickname he gave her. "Ok Arsenic. "

"Ah good one."

"Gotta be careful if you think arsenic is in the mix. Might end up getting yourself killed."

"Ah, so you think you're going to end up dead because of me?"

"Maybe." Y/n shrugged. She looked around and there was the bank. Y/n started running as fast as she could to get to the bank. Dazai figured this was what she was doing so he went chasing after her.

They ran inside the bank and Dazai pulled out his gun.

"We're here for the money!" Y/n yelled. The two security guards that were on duty pulled out their guns, one pointing at Dazai, and the other at y/n."

"Whoa! Those are some mighty fine weapons you got there!" Y/n chuckled. "Hey just let us have some money, and no one gets hurt."

"On the ground now!" Yelled the one pointing his gun at y/n.

"How about you get on the ground."

The man fell to the floor, dropping his gun to grasp at his neck. In a swift move, y/n picked up the gun and shot the man, pieces of his skull flew with each bullet. The other guard stared in horror, forgetting there was a gun pointed at him.

With no warning Dazai shot the man over and over and over, he seemed like he was in a trance, clearly enjoying himself too much. Y/n shot at his hand, making him drop his gun.

The boy glared at the girl. Clearly angry that she shot at him.

"Damn psycho..." y/n muttered turning back to her own horror scene she had created. "Eh..." she walked up to the bank teller and smiled.

"No reason to be afraid. At least of me..." she turned back to Dazai who was just staring at the gruesome mess he made. "I think he's... going through some things." Y/n nodded, agreeing with herself.

"H-how much -do you want?!"

Y/n sighed. "Uhm... How about, ¥100000."

The bank teller nodded rapidly and started pulling the money out to give to the girl. The bank doors opened, making a loud bang. "On the ground now."

Y/n didn't move an inch. She watched as her money was being put into a bag. She heard a gunshot, then another and another, but she still didn't move.

Dazai was having his fun, killing each policeman with ease. Everyone else in the bank watched, horrified by this man in front of them.

The money was finally all put together after a minute or two.

"Thank you!" Y/n bowed before taking the bag. "Have a great day!" She turned around to see a literal blood bath. "Dazai! These people are going to need therapy because of you... I think you need some too..."

The blood from the police soaked into the carpet. It made a squishing sound each time y/n took a step. "Come on..." she took the arm of the boy. He even got blood all over himself.

They left the building together, at this point though it was surrounded. Y/n shrugged at the inconvenience and just walked through the crowd...the police that were there were on the ground for some reason.

"You seriously need to get washed up Dazai." She said nonchalantly.

Dazai had only his white shirt and pants on., everything else had been drenched.

Y/n hummed as she cleaned off Dazai's face with a wet washcloth. "Can I replace the bandage on your eye? It's gotten blood on it."


The girl carefully took the bandage off and replaced it with a clean one. "That's better... you got it in your hair... how in the hell..." she mumbled, continuing to clean Dazai up.

He sat there, almost void of emotion. He was a little happy about y/n basically taking care of him but at the same time, he just didn't care enough.

"Where do you live Dazai?"

"That's no place for a lady." He chuckled, his brightness all of a sudden coming back. "Thank you."

"No, thank you! Do you know how much manga I could buy with the money?! I'll have the best collection ever.."

Dazai smiled. He got up and flopped back down on y/n's bed. "Your bed is comfier than my futon..." he cuddled into the blanket.

Y/n watched as he nearly fell asleep, he was like a child. A very fucked up one. She went and laid down with him. As she cuddled into the blanket she could feel the exhaustion of the day take over.

"Y/n?" Dazai sleepily said but no response. "Thank you y/n." He said to her, even though she was asleep. Quickly the boy drifted off to sleep alongside the girl.

✦ ✦ ✦

Robbing a bank and committing murder can be exhausting,
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That is a legit number I have burned into my head because of commercials😀
Anywho I'm wayy happier with this fanfic now that I've fixed it! I hope you guys like it better too!
-The One and Only Author✌🏻😜

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