~ Chapter Twenty ~

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⚠️There will be a very very small bit of S/A in this chapter, it won't be bad but I still wanted to warn y'all.⚠️

~This chapter will also be a bit gory~

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"Dazai," Chuuya mumbled. "Look over there," he said quietly, pointing over at another table with two men.

"How did we not see them?"

"I'm not sure..."

"What is it?" y/n asked, turning around to see Ren and Suzuki, smiling at them. The door to the restaurant then opened and five kids came walking in, obstructing their view of the men.

"How was school?" the cook loudly asked. The kids quietly responded with some variation of good. "Nice! Could you give this food to our customers over-"

Y/n looked to where Ren was but he was gone.

"The hell?"

"Fuck!" Chuuya yelled, he jumped up and started running out the door, and Dazai followed suit.

Y/n on the other hand slowly stood up, her heart was racing and she was starting to hyperventilate. Her whole body was shaking and she broke out into a cold sweat.

She shakily moved out of the restaurant. Both Dazai and Chuuya were preoccupied with Suzuki, who was being beaten nearly to a pulp with no results.

"Where the hell did Ren go?!" Y/n yelled to the boys.

"HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW?!" Dazai angrily yelled back.

"SHIT, WHERE DID HE GO?!" Chuuya paused before going back to punching Suzuki.

Y/n shook her head and started running. She could see the back of Ren's head as he walked away. Without another thought, she started after him. He quickly ran down an alleyway, then another, and another.

Y/n followed him through the maze he was taking her through. She was done with the man, she wanted him dead. She had to finish what she started years ago.

By the time Ren stopped running, y/n was out of breath and had no idea where she was. "Why? Why are you still OBSESSED with me?!"

He laughed, "Oh, my love-"

"You don't get to call me that!" Y/n yelled, cutting the man off. "That is only for Dazai and Chuuya. They actually love me. You don't! You never fucking have! You just wanted me for my body!"

Tears started running down the girl's face, her emotions running ramped.

Ren turned around and tilted his head. Y/n now got a good look at the man. It looked as if all life had been drained from his body, he was pale and skinny.

"Y/n. I love you, I love that you rejected me, I love that you almost killed me, I love that I never got revenge, I love that you're still denying your love for me, and most of all I love that you are so fucking dumb."

Y/n scoffed. "You're calling me dumb? You've been obsessing over me! You haven't been eating you're that psychotic!" Y/n let her ability switch on and watched the man in front of her smile.

With the last bit of air in his lungs he let out a chuckle. He took his hand and formed a heart, slowly walking towards her he broke the heart apart, to be symbolic.

Without a chance to think y/n was pushed to the ground. Ren got atop her and started furiously punching her face until she finally let go of her ability.

Body Dropper                                           (Dazai x Reader x Chuuya)Where stories live. Discover now