~ Chapter Eleven ~

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Y/n sat on her bed with her legs crossed in silence.

"Y/n. That's not how you meditate!" Ren laughed. Y/n ignored him and just continued to hum loudly. "Stop! Just stop!" he chuckled.

"What?! I think I'm doing it right!" She threw her arms up. "I'm the best meditator around!"

"But your not." he smiled. He took her hands and gently put them into her lap. "Now just breathe, don't think about anything but breathing."

"Do you know how hard it is to stop my thoughts from racing?! It's like there are ten million little people in there." she laughed as she tapped her head.

"Tell them to stop then!" He laughed. "You asked me to teach you and you're not even taking it seriously!"

"I'm trying ok?!" She giggled. Ren rolled his eyes at the girl. "What if I turn on some meditation music or something?"

"I am not a hippie!" y/n laughed. "Ok, ok, I'll try!"

"What if..."

Ren took y/n's hands into his own. He closed his eyes and she followed suit. Just like that, y/n was able to slow her racing thoughts.

"See," Ren whispered. "You're doing it~"

Y/n opened her eyes at the sound of the cell door opening. "Hello, Suzuki." She smiled kindly. "What are you up to this fine evening? At least I'm guessing it's evening, you guys didn't even give me a window."

"I apologize, we should've given you a cell made for a princess!"

"That's more like it." Y/n smiled, resting her head in her hands. "What's in store for me today, hmm?"

"Later tonight there just might be a dinner in your honor." Suzuki raised a brow along with the smirk on his face. "Not that you deserve it."

"Is your little ego still mad that I bit your tongue? Or are you just mad because you have a micro-"

"L/n. Stop." Mukami walked into the cell. "He's pissed off because he got in trouble for kissing you. No one but that douchbag is allowed to kiss you apparently."

"Aww, Mukami are you sad you can't kiss me?" She gasped. "Mukami! We don't even know each other that well!" Y/n started laughing hysterically, being trapped in a dark cold room was making her go crazy.

Mukami went red and he started stuttering. "I-I      n-no! I would never!"

Y/n raised an eyebrow at the boy before turning to Suzuki. "He definitely wants to make out with me, doesn't he? I mean, I'd prefer him over you. Did I mention yesterday that you need to brush your teeth?"

Suzuki slammed his fists into the concrete wall. "I've had about enough of you! You should be glad you're wanted alive bitch!"

"You should be glad- oh fucking shut up. You should be happy I'm not putting you ten feet into the ground." Y/n rolled her eyes.

"You listen here." He grabbed a handful of y/n's hair. "I'm not fucking scared of you. I will never be fucking scared of you!"

"Oh, my fuck. I hate it when dudes act like they're so dangerous. It's annoying."

Suzuki pulled his arm up to punch y/n the face but Mukami put his hand on Suzuki's arm stopping him. "He will be horribly mad at you if you bruise his property."

Suzuki let go of y/n's hair and excited the room.

"I told you to be careful."

"I told you I didn't care. But about this "his property" shit. Who are you referring to?!"

Body Dropper                                           (Dazai x Reader x Chuuya)Where stories live. Discover now