~ Chapter Four ~

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Once again she was back in Mori's office. He stared at y/n with that creepy smile on his face as a little girl colored on the ground.

"So y/n! How's your first week of working for the Port Mafia treating you?" Mori asked, taking y/n's attention away from the child.

"I feel like I've fallen off a building 5 times." She smiled sarcastically. "Chuuya is so nice to me. I love it..."

"Aw well, then I'm sure you'll be quite sad to know Chuuya won't be able to train you this week."

"Huh?" She smiled. "Whys that?! Not to sound eager or anything."

"He pushed off some important assignments this last week to train you. Now the deadlines coming up and he has to do them. He would take you with him but said tasks need to be done quickly."

"Does that mean I'm off for the weak?"

Mori laughed as if she told the funniest joke of all time. "No, sorry dear." he smiled. "We'll have someone else take care of you in the meantime."

On cue the door to the incredibly dark office opened, and in came Dazai. "Not having Chuuya here for you will be devastating but I hope you and Dazai get along just fine."

Dazai looked at the girl, he had no emotion displayed on his face at all. No longer human... It was an interesting concept, the name described not only his ability but him himself.

"I hope we can get along too." She smiled, looking at the bandaged boy.

"Dazai?" Mori said gaining his attention.

"I've got things to do. Can we leave now?"

Mori sighed. "Yes, you can."

Y/n turned around to leave the room, that's when she felt a tugging on her jacket. She turned around to see the little blond girl holding the picture she was drawing in her hands.

"Here." she gave y/n the crayon drawing. "I thought you were pretty so I drew it for you!"

Y/n smiled whilst looking at the piece of paper. "It's amazing, thank you so much!"

"Of course!"

"Y/n." Dazai snapped.

"Comming." Y/n waved bye and was on her way. "She's adorable! What's her name?"

"It's Elise. But don't be fooled, it's just Mori's ability, Vita Sexualis."

"That's a weird name for it.."

"Mori's a weird man."

She got in the Elevator with Dazai, he pushed a button to only go a few floors down. There were so many floors and places in this one building so y/n was excited to see where she was going.

But she wasn't excited for long.

"What we will be doing today is very important y/n."

"Is that why you're being so serious?"


The elevator stopped and the door opened. She walked out and... It was an office. She was expecting wayy cooler things but it was just an office.

She followed Dazai to the back. "What I'm about to show you y/n, it's very serious. You must not get distracted."

"I'm ready!"

He opened the door to reveal a room with papers, everywhere.

"Tada!! This is my own personal office!" he joyfully exclaimed.

"I thought it was important and serious..." she was sad.

"Very my dear y/n! I need to get all this work done and Chuuya won't do it for me anymore. Nor will Oda or Ango..."

"Who are they?"

"Iffff you get some of this work done you can go out for drinks with me and meet them!"

"I can't drink."


"I'm 17."

"Your 17?! That would explain a lot." Dazai chuckled. "Akutagawa got beat up by a 17-year-old girl." he laughed some more. "Weak."

"What does having to be a girl do with it?"

Dazai ignored her and sat down at his desk, kicking his feet up. "Now, start!"

"What are you going to start on?"


"I'm not doing this alone! If I have to do it so do you Dazai!" She picked up a folder off his desk and gave it to him before picking up her own. "Start working."

Dazai whined as he opened it. "I don't wanna!!"

"That's too damn bad! And to think this man is a year older than me..." she shook her head.

Y/n opened the file and started reading. It was supposed to be a report on one of Dazai's recent assignments. It needed details on what exactly went on.

"Uh, Dazai..."

"They'll be happy if I even fill it out. Put what you know... Or wing it."

She sighed, looking back down at the paper she jotted down non-existent notes. After a minute or two she finished filling it out.

"Dazai it needs your signature."

The boy groaned before taking the paper and signing it before giving it back to her.

"Where do I put this?"

"Outside my office, there's a bucket for the off chance I get my paperwork done." he scribbled down his signature in his own folder before handing it to y/n.

She took the folders outside and put them in the bucket. 2 down... Who knows how many to go. She walked back inside and picked up a new folder.

"How much longer do I have to do thisssss??"

Y/n looked up at Dazai, a confused yet "your an idiot" look was plastered on her face. "Your at least getting all the paperwork on your desk done."

"Why are you so mean?" he whined, picking up another folder.

This was the routine for the next hour. Y/n and Dazai would do a folder of paperwork. They would finish filling out the paperwork kinda at the same time and y/n would put the paperwork in the bucket. Then Dazai would complain about having to do work even though he was the one who had her do it in the first place.

Finally, after about two hours, his desk was fully cleaned off. It was a nice dark oak desk, it definitely fit Dazai's style.

"Now my dear y/n! Are you ready to go out for drinks?"

"I can't drink alcohol though."

"Oh don't worry there are alcohol-free drinks, they also don't ID you." Dazai winked. "Now come on! Oda and Ango are probably waiting!"

You giggled and followed Dazai, he was a weird man.

✦ ✦ ✦

Send help I didn't know how to spell alcahol and I spelt then as hten. I also stayed up until 2 writing this😏
Thank you for reading ❤️
-The One and Only Auther ✌️🏻👑

Body Dropper                                           (Dazai x Reader x Chuuya)Where stories live. Discover now