16. Emma

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In my last week of training with The Prophet, I noticed a slight shift in his behavior.

His usually soft-spoken tone had grown a bit more gruff. He seemed irritated and more distant. His touches grew more firm, sometimes bruising.

He would suddenly strike me across my face whenever I gagged on him. He would spank me if I squirmed while he inserted the tools into my bottom. His once-gentle caresses on my nipples and bottom became painful, harsher, almost possessive.

He made me sit on his lap for meals and during my off time, no longer allowing me to rest or sew as he did in the weeks prior.

And I was moved out of my guest room and made to sleep in his bed every night.

I figured it was just preparing me for sleeping every night with my husband. Perhaps he was trying to ready me for any of my husband's mercurial moods, as I'd seen them firsthand with Harris, some of my brothers, and even my father, at times.

But on our last night together, while I practiced taking him into my throat with my head hanging off the side of my bed, he gently stroked my long, dark hair that had spilled down the side of the bed and onto the floor.

"I'm going to miss you, Emma." He whispered sadly, still thrusting rapidly. I concentrated on breathing through my nose, not wanting a beating if I gagged.

"I know you'll be in good hands with your new husband. I met him myself just a few days ago. He's very handsome and strong, and he comes from great stock; he'll breed you well. I'm very excited to watch your consummation."

I wasn't sure what he meant—as usual—but I couldn't answer anyways. But I felt it was most likely a good sign that he was going to miss me. I wondered if he'd said that to Abigail, too.

After he finally shared his Light with me, he bent down to kiss my lips. His lips were always so soft, and if I closed my eyes and forgot that he was quite a bit older than me, I found that I enjoyed his gentle kisses on my lips, neck, breasts and shoulders.

When he was done, he allowed me to get dressed, then poured me large glass of tea. Then he beckoned me to sit on his lap again, so I sat and drank my tea as quickly as possible. He preferred for me to finish the glass quickly, rather than sip it as I'd grown to prefer.

I felt like I was always so full of the wonderful tea. There was always a cup readily available for me. The flavor and potency seemed to fluctuate from day to day, but I still enjoyed it. It made me feel fuzzy and happy, and it made the training pass by quickly. It allowed me to relax during the more difficult parts of my lessons, like when I was punished, although it did impede my memory if I drank too much.

I once told Orion that I didn't like that it interfered with my memory sometimes, as I was more prone to spankings if I forgot his instructions. He confessed that that was intentional, but he said the tea would only be used for special occasions, once my premarital training was complete.

He didn't elaborate further.

He nuzzled his face into my hair, and I melted into his touch. "You are so beautiful, Emma. You remind me so much of your sister," he said softly, dusting just a trace of a kiss across my earlobe.

"Wh-Which sister, sir?" I asked him, feeling breathless. I had a feeling I knew which one he meant, but I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to be compared to her anymore. He said she had likely suffered a gruesome fate, and I was safe here.

Perhaps not free, but safe, and filled with Light.

"Lara," he said sadly, resting his chin on top of my head.

Nobody ever really talked about Lara, unless it was said disdainfully or as a warning. Nobody had heard from her since she escaped, so everyone assumed she'd been tortured and killed by the evil people in the Outer World.

So it was strange to hear Orion mention her again, and with sadness instead of disdain.

"Did you know she was meant to be my wife, Emma?" He whispered, his voice sounding faraway. My breath caught in my throat. I knew she was supposed to be married, but Mama and Father had never mentioned to whom.

"Your Father was a founding member of the community. He saw your mother, and he was filled with Light. He said The Great Spirit told him that she was meant to be his wife. So he took her into his bed, as your husband will, and she became pregnant with Lara.

"She wasn't 16 yet, however, and her parents were quite upset. Although your father was a founding member, and highly respected, it caused quite the uproar in the community. I told your father that I'd allow him to marry her and I'd give them my full blessing...if he gave me their firstborn daughter."

My heart pounded as I absorbed this new information. Father took Mama before they were married? Without her father's blessing? This was not quite the version of events my family had always told me.

"I eagerly awaited her 16th birthday. I'd been training the other women in the community for years at that point, but I decided not to train Lara. I wanted our wedding night to be special, with all her firsts. Then I wanted to share her with the community, allow her to spread her pure Light to the unmarried men, so they'd be able to spread it to their wives.

"But she left me, Emma." He ended sadly.

"The day before our wedding—well past her 16th birthday, due to your father's hesitation—she ran off. She never gave much of an indication that she'd been planning to run. She was bold at times, like you, but she was submissive. She was perfect. She was mine." I felt something wet dropping onto my head, and I realized he must be crying.

"I'm sorry if I've been a little rough with you the last few days, Emma. You just...you look so much like her. You remind me of her so much. If I were a younger man, I'd keep you." He sighed, briefly lifting a hand to wipe his face. "But I vowed to never be married after Lara left. I made it my mission to focus on training the women for marriage and for chasing away The Darkness from wives who'd been led astray."

I suddenly felt so sad for him. He was such a kind man, filled with Light, and blessed by the The Great Spirit. He was the only one in the community who had direct communication with The Great Spirit, and he used its guidance to lead us on the path of Light and submission. It would be such an honor to be married to The Prophet!

No wonder my father was so ashamed of Lara. I couldn't believe I'd ever looked up to her.

"I'm so sorry, sir. Is that...is that why you don't have any children?" I whispered sadly, feeling great shame on behalf of my sister.

"Oh no, my darling girl!" He chuckled. "I have many children. Your brother-in-law, Harris, is one of my sons. His mother was sent to me for further training after she soiled her sheets with her monthly bleeding, and I blessed her with my Light. And I share my Light freely during the monthly ceremonies. My children are marked as such." He gently placed his hands on my waist and hoisted me off my lap.

"I do hope your husband will allow you to attend the ceremonies, Emma. I would love to continue to share my Light with you." He smiled kindly, and I blushed. He had told me weeks ago that there was no greater honor than receiving the Prophet's Light.

"Now let's get to bed. It's my last night with you, and I'd just like to hold you tonight. You'll be married tomorrow, and you'll need your rest."

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