31. everafter and ending

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As Tedros cried with tears of joy, the Storian flew from the snow-ridden floor, back to its ancient book which appeared unblemished

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As Tedros cried with tears of joy, the Storian flew from the snow-ridden floor, back to its ancient book which appeared unblemished. The snow dissolved onto the pages but left no water stain. 

"And so it was that our heroine defeated the greatest threat the Schools for Good and Evil had ever known," It finished, ending the page with a picture of Valerie lying on the floor. Tedros helped Valerie up and supported her. Her blood-soaked hands trembled as he grasped her, edging her to the door.

The day was bright, aurora light just escaping the horizon. Orange splayed over the sky, contrasting the green which had been there mere moments before. 

Lesso, Dovey and the rest of the staff had rushed into the hall with mouths agape, watching the students from either school help each other up in confusion. The world of fairy tales was yet to perish. "Good and Evil together?" Dovey asked in shock, watching the excited chatter of students in switched uniforms. 

"One School?" Lesso asked with a look of disgust on her face. "Now what?" She queried, Anemone laughing as students walked up to them with beaming grins. "Unity, perhaps," Dovey suggested with a confused shrug. She seemed to be glowing in her usual golden state. Her bronze skin reflected the sunset, her collarbones gleaming with a glittery shine. 

"Maybe," She looked up to Lesso with shimmering eyes, "Friendship... even." They looked at each other, going in for a hug before hesitating. They fell apart, shrugging awkwardly. "Oh well, we'll take it slow," Lesso mumbled, Dovey putting on a bright, dazzling smile. "Yes! Slow and steady wins the race," She showed a pearly grin to the number of students who danced in happiness. 

Beatrix felt the black embellishments of her outfit flitter away with the wind, her regular silver dress covering her instead. She turned to Hort who was flicking his hair about. "Hi there," Beatrix flirted. Her dress hung low at her waist and fluttered in layers to the floor. "My heart belongs to another," Hort told her, a mischievous grin covering his face whilst he watched Beatrix get rejected. 

Everyone's eyes watched in shock when the doors slammed open, revealing the four heroes of the day. Agatha and Sophie were holding hands, their eyes wide and embarrassed. The world had been saved. 

The true sight before them, was Tedros - covered in tears - with a beaming grin over his face, with Valerie at his side. She was drenched in blood and a piece of glass still stuck out of her side. If she pulled it out she would well and truly die - they'd let the professionals deal with that. Dovery and Lesso gasped, rushing over and taking the powerful girl from Tedros' arms. 

"Careful! I have just been resurrected I'll have you know," She winced when their caring hands shot out to press against the wound in her abdomen. The deans shared a look of adoration as they stared at the woman in front of them. 


Thunder crashed as the doors to the Hall opened, Sophie and Agatha stepping into the bright midsummer sun. "Thank you," Sophie turned to Valerie who stood behind her. She was still pale but had changed into less blood-soaked attire. 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 | tedros pendragonWhere stories live. Discover now