Chapter #1

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Welcome to my new book ‘Scarlett’s Soldier’

So I will give you a little background on Louri Evans
Louri Dollese Evans was born November 19th 1984
Louri is currently a lieutenant  in the United States Marine Corps
Louri joined the Marines in 2002 on her 18th birthday.
Louri is Chris Evans' younger sister.
Louri and Chris have a very strong bond Chris always jokes that she is his favorite siblings.
Louri is 5’5 with blue eyes and short brown curly hair styled in the classic Marine cut.
This book starts out in 2007 but I will have some time skips. Oh and she is gay as fuck.
Well anygays let’s get this started

May 6th 2007
Louri’s POV
I have been in Iraq for the last 6 months and I am finally on my way home. I am currently sitting in the back of a cargo plane on my way home. My family all except Chris knows I’m coming home today because I wanted to surprise him. Our sister Shanna is the one who is picking me up we are going to have lunch then go surprise Chris on set. Chris still won’t tell me who his co-star is he said that I will just have to come home and find out. Chris and I have a bond that is unbreakable Ma always says that when we are together we are a walking disaster and she’s not wrong we do tend to get into trouble a lot, but hey at least we are having fun when we do. "Lieutenant Evans?” I hear private Thomas Henderson call out. “Yes, Tom?” I ask looking up at Tom. “I’ve been calling out for you.” He says with a smile. “Sorry Tom, my head was elsewhere. What is it?” I say to him. “We’re landing in 5 minutes Lieutenant.” He say excitedly. Tom is only 20 and this was his first tour he has been talking about how he can’t wait to get back to his family all week. “Thank you Tom. You seem excited, are you happy to see your family again?” I ask already knowing he is. “Yeah I can’t wait to see them all again. Even my annoying little sister. I’m so glad that I will make it to her high school graduation.” He tells me practically bouncing in his seat. “I am sure they are just as excited, in fact I can guarantee they are especially your mom. Did I tell you about the letter she sent me?” I say with a chuckle. “My mom wrote to you, you never told me.” He says. “Oh yeah she sent me a very strongly worded letter telling me that and I quote ‘Take care of my little boy or I will find you personally.’. Yeah your mom will definitely be happy to see you.” I say with a laugh. “Omg I’m sorry Lieutenant I didn’t know she did that. She can get pretty protective of us at times.” He tells me with wide eyes. “Oh it’s fine Tom. My ma is the same way, and for the millionth time just call me Louri.” I say to him. “But your my CO is that even aloud?” He asks me seriously. “Tom it’s just us besides I feel more like your big sister than I do your CO. Yeah when we are on duty you have to call me Lieutenant but when we aren’t please just call me Louri.” I tell him and he just nods. “Ok then Louri it is when we’re off duty of course.” He says looking me in the eye as we feel the plane land. “Are you excited to surprise your brother Louri?” He asks since it was actually his idea to surprise Chris. “Yeah I really am I really missed him. Don’t get me wrong I missed the rest of my family too. It's just Chris and I have this bond that I really don’t know how to put into words you know.” I rambled, making him chuckle. “I get it, I'm like that with my little sister. And don’t forget you promised to introduce me to him.” He says pointing a finger at me jokingly as the ramp of the plane lowers. We make our way off the plane and Tom has already made a beeline for his family. I look through the crowd before I see my sister and it’s like my feet have a mind of their own as I run towards her. I drop my bags and give her a giant hug. “Welcome home Louri!” She squeals. “It’s good to be home. I missed you guys.” I say as I put her down and pick my bags back up. “Come on the car is this way.” Shanna tells me.
“Oh my God I forgot what real food tastes like!” I joke as I eat my burger. “Slow down Lor you’re going to choke.” Shanna says laughing at my childish behavior. “So Shanna, how have you been?” I ask after I swallow my food. “I’ve been good. I’m even better now that you’re home.” She tells me before finishing her food. “Well are you ready to surprise Chris?” She asks paying for our food before we leave and head to her car. “Yeah I can’t wait!” I say excitedly.
“Alright sis I’ve got to go. I love you and I’m glad you’re home.” She tells me as she drops me off at the set Chris is filming at today. “Goodbye sis I love you too. Be safe on your way back to Boston.” I tell her giving her one last hug before she gets in her car and drives away. “Excuse me?” I call to a crew member. “How can I help you ma’am?” She asks kindly. “I’m Louri I’m here to surprise my brother Chris but first can you show me to his trailer so I can put my bags away please? And um what’s your name?” I ask her. “Well Louri I’m Elley we were told yo would be coming. Your brother’s trailer is just this way if you will follow me please.” Elley tells me. “Thank you. How did you guys know I was coming?” I ask as we walk to Chris’s trailer. “Your sister Shanna I believe called the director and told him.” She explains. “Oh that makes sense.” I say nodding my head. “Well here we are. I will wait out here for you so I can lead you to your brother.” Elley tells me. I go in and put my bags down before joining Elley outside. “I think it’s really sweet what you’re doing. Surprising your brother I mean.” Elley says as we get to set. “Well there he is good luck.” Elley tells me patting me on the back before leaving to resume her duties. I walk up to the director while staying out of Chris’s eye sight. “Hello sir.” I say as I greet him. “Hi. Judging by the uniform you must be Louri.” He says holding his hand out to shake. “Yep that’s me.” I say with a smile. “They are almost done with this scene then it’s their lunch break and Chris and the rest of the cast and crew don’t know this but after this scene we are done for the day so you can have your brother all to yourself.” He says with a kind smile. After a few minutes of watching my brother do he scene with… HOLY SHIT NO WAY IT’S SCARLETT FUCKING JOHANSSON! I hear the director yell cut. “Alright everyone that’s it for the day good job everyone see you tomorrow!” He calls out and I can hear Chris talking with Scarlett Johansson. “I thought we had more scenes to do today?” Chris says confused. “Yeah I wonder what happened?” I hear her say then I move so I am in his line of sight. “I happened” I say with my hand clasped behind my back. “LOURI! YOU’RE HOME!” Chris yells as he runs to me and ends up tackling me to the ground. “Hey Chris I love you and I did miss you but you’re crushing me.” I say jokingly as I pat his back. We both get up and I straighten out my uniform. “Oh god I am so happy to see you.” He says with tears forming in his eyes. “I’m happy to see you too Chrissy.” I tell him as I pull him in for another hug. “You know you are the only person on this planet that can call me that without pissing me off.” Chris says pulling away referring to the nickname. That’s when we hear someone clear their throat. “Oh yeah. Louri this is Scarlett, my co-star. Scarlett this is my sister Louri.” Chris says introducing us. “So you are the famous Louri?” Scarlett says with a smile and I blush hard I probably look like a tomato. “Um uh yes.” I stutter trying to regain my compostor. “You don’t have to be nervous sis.” Chris teases knowing that I am a Scarlett Johansson fan and that I have had a small crush on her for a while now. “Wait ‘the famous Louri’ I’m just a marine I’m not famous.” I ramble. “Oh you are definitely famous here on set Chris talks about you any chance he gets.” Scarlett tells me and I turn my head to Chris. “And what exactly did you talk about Chris?” I ask in a flat tone to mess with him causing him to shutter. “All good things I promise.” He says putting his hands up in surrender. “I’m messing with you Chrissy.” I say with a small laugh. “That was mean.” Chris complains. “And so is not telling me that you are working with Scarlett fucking Johansson.” I say forgetting she is there. “You two are funny.” Scarlett says laughing. “Can I have a redo on that introduction?” I ask now that I have regained my composure. “Sure.” She says with a small chuckle. “Lieutenant Louri Evans. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Johansson.” I say holding out my hand with a smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Louri. Please call me Scarlett.” She says, shaking my hand. “Well then Scarlett I am going to take this goofball to dinner would you like to join us?” I ask nervously. “If it’s ok with you that sounds great.” She replies. “Of course it’s alright. Let’s get our things and meet in the car park. Sound good?” I say. “Yeah sounds good Chris gave me a ride here anyway so that works for me.” Scarlett says. “Ok see you in a few minutes.” I say as we go our separate ways Chris and I go to his trailer and she goes to hers. “Your face was so red when I introduced you two it was awesome.” Chris says as I put my bags in the bed of my truck that Chris has been using. “Yeah very funny. Now give me my keys bitch I missed driving my baby.” I say holding out my hand. “Why do you get to drive?” Chris questions. “Because it’s my truck dumbass now hand them over.” I say and he gives me my keys. “Alright I’ve got everything I need are you guys ready?” Scarlett asks as she walks up to us. “Yep let’s get this show on the road.” I say. “Oh and Chris you’re going in the back seat I never make a lady sit in the back of the car.” I say to him. “Yes Ma’am.” He says giving me a playful salute before getting in the seat behind the drivers seat. “Scarlett do you need any help?” I ask as she starts getting in the truck. “No thank you I got it. Thank you though.” She says turning to me with a smile. I get in the car and start up the engine. “Ah I’ve missed you.” I say petting my dashboard. “Wait I thought this was Chris’s car?” Scarlett asks me confused. “No I just let Chrissy borrow it if I’m on tour and he has to be here in L.A.” I tell her. “Oh ok that makes sense.” She says.

Well there’s chapter one. Anygays see you in the next one.

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