Chapter Twenty Six

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How to keep a man by Mrs. Ramirez!" Helena chimes as we walk into my office.

Her obsession with this is sickening. Yes, she shows up for relationship advice because, of course, I look like I have something going for me. Thanks to books and basic knowledge, I have given some tips that worked for her in the past.

I mean it's only common sense to know that men also love to be spoiled with gifts and words so when she said Pedro was complaining about her not returning his affection, I told her to try those and they worked.

She doesn't know the inside story between Javier and me. Hell, even Javier doesn't know the entirety of the story. Just Gael and me. Javier thinks there's no better match for me and I am doing it to keep both empires safe, which is it, but not totally. If he knew I was about to offer myself to the enemy using him as an umbrella, he'd never forgive me.

Javier loves me. Too much for the hurt, he's about to receive. He loves me too much to have me only to lose me again.

It's different if an assassin was sent to kill me or something natural happened. But to know I planned my death and boldly walked into it, without thinking about the people in my life is unforgivable. He will never forgive me, neither will Helena.

And to be honest I am not looking forward to their forgiveness.

"What exactly do you want to Know Helena?"
I say in a dry tone that doesn't have the big sister helping kid sister aura instead it's more of the big sister about to kill kid sister.

I didn't mean to sound like that but I feel like I'm being slammed into a room with needles on the walls, gradually closing in on me.

"Everything" she plops on the couch and I move to behind my desk.

This is going to be long. Excruciatingly long.

"What are we working with?" I sit and lean into my chair.

"That I like him" she crosses a leg over the other, balancing one foot in a stiletto on the floor. She takes a deep breath. "I really like him" She stands and walks to me in her denim pants and Caribbean blue shirt, the same color as both our eyes.

"Well, it's obvious you like him, otherwise we won't be having this meeting" I lean on my desk, feeling every bit uncomfortable as the walls with needles inch closer.

I know I am being a two-faced bitch right now. I mean we are talking about the same man that had his face buried between my legs last night. The same man whose tongue fucked me so well I exploded into bubbles from the orgasm. The same man I should not but I would probably still spread my legs open for him to make me cum like he did last night.

So yes I am a terrible sister. I am a liar and this looks like something that'll come back to bite me in the ass but luckily for me, I won't be around to watch that sting.

Not that I don't feel bad for doing this. I feel filthy and horrible. I feel like I am betraying my husband, my sister, and my empire.

Everything about letting Gabriele tongue fuck me and fondle my breast is wrong. It is out of place. It is not me. I am a twenty-five years woman, that is married to her best friend but is still sort of a virgin but nobody fucking knows that!

This is why Javier is so calm, he knows I won't cheat, and he feels confident that I won't just let any random man access my body. Which is crazy because I let Gabriele. And the devil helps me because I want to do it again.

I didn't know this is how it feels like. It feels rejuvenating. It feels alive. It feels so fucking addictive and good. To have him go down on me and worship me with his mouth.

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