Chapter Eighteen

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Day Two of project LID.

My subconscious chimes like it's a meditation mantra. I am getting closer than ever with every passing minute.

I am getting closer and it's both exhilarating and terrifying. More exhilarating than terrifying, which is a good thing for every revenge.

"You can wait in the car" I gruff to Gabriele as Drago drives into the office building of Steel-Gate empire.
After last night, some things need to fall back in place.

I need to start setting boundaries. I have a big project at hand, and all of these distractions will do me nor him any good. It won't do the Empire I will be leaving behind any good either.

Last night a part of me was heated. A part I have no interest in exploring. Gabriele was gone when I stepped out of my bathroom last night, which was what I wanted. I wanted him gone. His cedar scent hovers in my room as a reminder of my disloyalty.

I know Javier is cheating, but at least he has some respect to do it away from home. He took it to another country instead.

While I let a man take my breast in his mouth in my room, a room that I am supposed to keep sacred. A room that I am supposed to be sharing with Javier, but because of his understanding nature, he decided to stay away.

I can't even be mad at him for cheating. How many times has he begged for a wank from me or for him to touch himself while he watch me do the same and I walked him out of my room, threatening to blow his dick up. I won't let my husband touch me, I won't let him so much as kiss me, I won't even let him see me naked, but I...

I inhale and step out of the car as Drago turns the ignition off. I hear the thud of another door closing and I know it's the stubborn son of a bitch that finds it hard to receive simple orders.

"Heaven, are..."

"Acero Gabriele" I grit, turning to him. He stepped out of the car to trail after me and for the life of me I wonder what the use of his ears are for. I should probably chop them off.

He stops on his track, holding my stare. Those burning eyes sweep everything in their way like an erupting volcano.

"Acero, that and only that is what you're to call me," I say, balling my fist.

We can start from there. We can start by taking my name off his tongue because it sounds too at home on it. Like my name was given after he whispered the word to my mama and papa's ears.

"I'll be in the car" he reclines and walks back to climb into the car.

I take ragged calming breaths before turning to walk into the office building.

He needs to understand his place but importantly, I need to understand my place. I am the boss here. I give the fucking order around here, I am the lawmaker here, the empress.

We've both been out of line. Now it's time to fall back in line.

Distractions like this can bring down empires. Entanglements like this can lead to the fall of an empress. Not setting boundaries means anyone can walk into your space and move about however they like.

I've always set boundaries. I set boundaries and anytime it starts to weaken because someone oversteps, I reinstate them with the blood of the person that dared to cross them.

I adjust my beige jacket as I walk into the elevator, catching my reflection of a beige jacket, cream turtle neck cotton blouse, and an emerald slip silk skirt, on black boots, before stomping in.

The elevator opens and Rosita walks in, holding a MacBook and some paper files I don't think are necessary to walk around with, but she likes to look busy and too all over the place.

"Good morning boss" she smiles and goes to stand beside me.

"Good morning Rosita, forward my appointments to me, get me a cup of coffee, and send Gabriele in," I say and she nods.

The elevator stops and she scampers to do as told while I walk into my office, still bottled up from the little angst display with Gabriele.

I slip out of my jacket and throw it absentmindedly on the coat hanger beside the couch as I walk to my seat behind my desk.

I have no fucking idea why I feel so worked up. My stomach feels like the organs in there are trying to escape a zombie apocalypse. My skin feels too tight and clingy to my bones.

Still, I have to stay focused, in a few days I might not be here and I need to make sure everything has been set in place for Helena. I can't leave her with bills or debts to pay. I can't leave her with unfinished businesses that she's not actively involved in.

After some minutes, Rosita is in my office with a tray, containing a cup of coffee and a plate of cookies. I give her a passive look, my attention on the plan I'm drafting on my laptop. She gives a beaming smile as she drops the tray on my desk.

"Thank you" I throw at her, continuing with the planning of a shipment that needs to go out to Russia but not through our major route.

"Is that all?" She asks and I stop for a while to give her a look over. She still has her smile on, giving radiance to her French blue jumpsuit.

One of the reasons I employed her is her positive energy. Sometimes I want to ask if she's ever had a bad day because I have no fucking idea how one person can be happy at all times. I've never seen her stressed or sad or pouting about a task.

"What about Gabriele?" I ask, reaching for a piece of cookie. I take a bite from it.

"He is on his way up," she says and I nod.

"Then that will be all" I take the cup of coffee to my mouth as she walks out of my office.

I am about to make this better for both of us. I have no doubt he is the only person that can protect me the way he can, he will put his life on the line for me, he has done it and I know he will do it again.

I take a sip from my rum-induced espresso, letting the aromatic smell and buttery vanilla taste slake like my longing.

We've fucked this up. Kissing and groping are not meant to be part of anything. Getting so turned on and dripping, that even now thinking about it makes my skin warm, is not something I had wanted, especially now. Now that feels like the last days of my life.

I don't care if I have to pay triple the amount I'm paying him to get someone half as good as him in a short while. I will do anything to stay back on track and stay focused.

I don't need anyone to heat me and remind me of the things I have denied myself all these years. I don't need him. Not now. Never.

My enemy is Black Rifle and that is who I am meant to focus on, that is who I am meant to pump my anger and hate into.

I take the blame. I let it happen, I played a part here too, which is why I am going to pay him still for the stress and for saving my life.

I drop the cup of coffee back on the tray and take a deep breath as Gabriele walks out of the elevator. He walks to my door, and my heartbeat pulsates, so heavy my heart can break free and pop out of my chest.

Which is an obvious reason why I have to cut him loose. Why I have to cut myself loose.

This strange unnamed effect he has on me.

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