Chapter Twenty

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"Yes!" Helena squeaks, tipping to peck him on the cheek. "I'll get your number from Rosita and text you my address and the time, I don't care if you ride a pickup truck, or motorcycle, just come pick me up" she smiles.

"Helena" I clear my throat and hide my trembling pinky fingers under my desk as Gabriele's eyes shift to them on the desk. "I don't think that is going to work," I say, fumbling in my head to find reasons why I think it is not going to work. Reasons why I don't want it to work.

None. Or one. But I push it aside.

Helena turns to me. "Why not?" She makes a face.

"Because, well because he is my bodyguard and he can't leave my side for dates," I say and she cackles.
I sound like a child caught shoplifting.

"You have about fifty bodyguards Heaven, one can take his place and watch you closely tonight, for just a few hours," she folds her hands across her chest.

A few hours is too much. Anything can happen to me in a few hours. I mean I almost got killed and that was within seconds.

"Helena he can't" I turn to my laptop and pretend to be reading, all the while the alphabet seems to be dancing in my vision. Blurred out, turned upside down, and dancing.

"You can't do that," she walks to me in her conceited gaits. She stops by the desk and places all ten fingers on the desk. She leans over, "I am going on a date with him and that's that" she pouts.

Helena Gate.
Spoilt brat.
Smart business tycoon.
And a thorn in my flesh from time immemorial.

I lean over. Since this looks like a face-off. Me in all my bossiness and she with that confidence, dressed in a silk blouse, khaki shorts, and six inches heels.

"I'm saying no" stretching the words so she feels every stress of them.

"You don't get to" she fires back.

"I do, if I'm paying him, then I get to"

"And why are you being a bitch this morning?" She says, still not backing down.

"Because I can, rules are set to keep people in line, he is my bodyguard and he should do his job, which is to watch me and not go on dates with my sister"
He is here to work and that is what he should be doing.

He should be working. If she gets entangled and he dies after project LID how am I going to face her? Well except of course I die with him, which makes it worse, because how is she going to mourn the death of a sister and a lover at the same time?

So I finally find a reason to replace the one reason I was holding on to.

"He's going, you can fire him then and watch me make him my bodyguard" she withdraws.

"Your bodyguard?" I chuckle. "What is it about him, Helena?"

"I get it that you are blind to it because you're married to your childhood crush and all, good for you" she chuckles. "This man right here is all I want for Christmas" she jokes and then laughs at her joke. Her dry joke.

"This is just the beginning of summer," I snark.

"Never too late to start making Christmas plans"

"Helena he's basically just a guy and I bet you, you're this way because he is new" I scoff.

"Don't insult me, Heaven, if I want a man to fuck for the night, I know just where to go and I certainly won't waste my time trying to get him to go on a date with me" she walks to the door. Gabriele bows briskly with his head. "Thank you for earlier" she tips and presses a kiss on his lips.

The organs in my stomach twirl and go to knot around my heart.

"What happened earlier?" I sound like I've got cobwebs in my mouth.

"Something that is none of your fucking business Heaven," she looks at me and huffs dramatically.

"Helena if something is wrong with you, you can always tell me, I am and will always..." not always. Fuck! "I am here for you"

"I'll be the judge of that" she chuckles. "I am still looking forward to you firing him" she laughs and walks out.

Silence lingers for some seconds.

The sound of my throbbing heart starts to cloak my eardrums. Echoing with each pound.

"You want to fuck my sister?" I blurt trying to keep it light but the cobwebs in my mouth won't let it.

"That's classified, Acero" he throws and the organs around my heart tighten their bind. "If that is all, I'll be outside" he walks out before I can say anything to keep him a while longer in a place he hates to be as of this morning.

As I watch him take the elevator, my thoughts start to spin. I know I shouldn't be curious but I can't help it.

I left him for some minutes and they magically bonded. I need answers. So I pick up my phone and type into it.

:What happened earlier?: I hit send.

Knowing Helena, she might tell me to go fuck myself again.

I wait for a while then the dots start to bounce. The message comes in.

:He stood up for me when Pedro came to make a scene about me leaving his cheating lying ass: Helena replies.

I exhale, feeling a bit relieved.

:So the date is to thank him?: I send.

:No, I like him!: she replies.

Her reply upsets a bee in my stomach and it sting. My phone slips from my trembling fingers and hits the desk.

She likes him? How? Why?

Why not?

Going After Heaven (Mafia Romance)Where stories live. Discover now