Chapter Ten

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This is all shades of fucked up. I clear my throat. Straighten my back and walk back to my seat.

It is fucked up but this is the underworld. You may not be able to stand someone but when you need a job done, you keep sentiments aside.

If I need to kill a high-profile Emperor in the underworld, I know the empire to meet. The same empire I'm planning to decimate is the empire I'd be going to meet. The Black Mist Empire. Sentiments aside, they're the best at what they do.

I start to drum my manicured fingers on my desk. Sentiments aside, I'll have to work with him for project LID. Besides, if Gael picked the fucker, then he's worth every shot.

Literally worth every shot from me. I'm just going to try to keep my fingers away from the trigger whenever he's around me. Which is hard. The fucker walks about daring you to his death.

I turn in my seat to face him.

"You'll move into my apartment and take the room next to my bedroom" I pick up my pen to keep my hands busy.

That was the plan from the onset. I crafted that plan. Now I hate the plan.

"Alright," he nods. His rude signature nod.

"You will address me as Acero, not first name basics" I open the log file and bury my eyes on the wrong figure.

The chill air in my office is beginning to stifle with his cedar scent cloaking.

"I will call you Heaven" his tone doesn't ring the alarm of disrespect. But still.

My head tilts to his towering face. Fucking annoying face. I wish sour personalities could reflect on our faces. That way he'd be an ogre and we can know to take heed.

Unfortunately, as painful as this feels to admit. The fucker has got the most beautiful face I've seen all my life, except for overtly edited pictures of models.

"Acero," I say calmly. My teeth are about to become sawdust from my clenching.

"Heaven," he says in a clipped tone.

Okay, what is this? I snap the log file shut, standing on my balls.

"You have not earned the right to call me by my name" my mood piques.

He closes the distance. Too close. I suck in the air as his eyes trail down to my lips.

"I'll call you Heaven" I catch the whiff of mint from his breath.

"Why?" I pout.

"Because you're Heaven" his voice loses its smooth texture for a fleeting second as he breathes down on my face.

I listen this time. I listen to the way he says my name. Like it's the name of a place, not a person.

Our eyes lock in a stare fight. One he's going to win. His fiery balls slowly lose their glow, taking a darker shade. Almost the color of wet beach sand.

If I pay attention I can hear the sound of my beating heart. If I pay attention I'll hear it's in sync with his. His gloved hand moves to trail the side of my waistline and I suck in a lung full breath.

His touch is so feathery. Teasing. Embossing.

When his fingers trace to find my belly button, I swallow bile. Needing hydration. Something isn't right.

His fingers start to travel on the line of my buttons. I stop him by pushing his hand away when his gloved fingers get to the opening on my chest.

They were beginning to burn as they trail. Like he's got electricity flowing from his fingers to a tunnel down my stomach.

Going After Heaven (Mafia Romance)Where stories live. Discover now