Chapter 26: phil

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noticed the newest member of the server he hadn’t had much of a chance to get to know him yet but he was quite proud of Tommy for including the other pup in activities even if those activities required flint and steel.

“I’m not giving you flint and steel, child” Phil stated which made Tommy pout a bit before he turned his attention towards Dream.

“Dream, can you give me a flint and steel? Please?” He requested as he gave him big puppy dog eyes that had Dream's resolve cracking.

“Dream don’t” Phil said while Tommy reached over and whacked Ranboo’s arm, which lead the half-enderman to also give Dream big puppy dog eyes though he made a point of not making direct eye contact. With the combined effort of the two pups, Dream’s resolve broke.

“Fine” He said as he handed Tommy a flint which made the blonde cheer excitedly.

“Thanks, Boss Man!” He chirped cheerfully as he dragged Ranboo out of the house who gave them a small wave before eh was dragged away.

Dream smiled a little before looking at Phil only to see him shaking his head in disappointment. He groaned as what he did fully registered and he thunked his head against the table. Maybe Ranboo will be bale to reign Tommy in from causing to much chaos.

To be continued....
Word count: 268
Quick A/N⚠️very important ⚠️: Please dont request for updates of this story, it'll probably be awhile before I can, sorry for those who like it, I promise I'll update as soon as I possibly can

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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