Chapter 20: Wilbur Pt:3

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Dream smiled sleepily as he listened to Tubbo give his speech, while he didn’t fully agree with making a pup president as that was a lot of responsibility to shove onto him but he also knew that if anyone could handle it it would be Tubbo. However, there was one thing he needed to address before it could prove a problem.

“I know you are all about anarchy but Tubbo is just a pup, he knows nothing of tyranny and cruelty so please just give him a chance?” He requested softly as he glanced up at Techno who had a grim expression on his face. He had been leaning on the piglin hybrid due to his exhaustion so he had been able to feel just how tense he had become during the proceedings and he was afraid that he might do something drastic.

“Please?” He asked again and Techno stared at him for a moment before his expression softened slightly as he nodded.

“Thank you” He said happily as he subtly nuzzled the Alpha who rumbled at the action before he turned to look over at where Tubbo and a few others were taking down the decorations from the festival. Which is when everything went horribly wrong.


The ground erupted with explosions and Dream’s ears rang as he stared in horror at the destroyed remains of Lmanberg, his eyes shot up to meet Tommy’s equally horrified eyes. The TNT had been removed! So what happened?! His eyes shot around before they landed on Wilbur who had a slightly crazed look on his face as he ranted to... Phil? When did he get here? Whatever that didn’t matter right now.

“What are you doing?!” Techno questioned gruffly as he attempted to grab Dream’s arm but he just ignored him as he slipped away and rushed over to where Wilbur was, the screams and cries of the others making his heart beat a mile a minute. “Phil kill me!” Wilbur shouted at his horrified father who was clutching a diamond sword in his hands and Dream’s fear spiked as he pulled himself up onto the platform, his vision swimming slightly as he was still dealing with magical exhaustion.

“Wilbur you asshole!” He snapped as he yanked the sword out of Phil's hands who just blinked at him in shock while the grin on Wilbur’s face froze in place.

“What the fuck did you do?!” He cursed out as he slipped the sword into his inventory and marched up to Wilbur so that he could grip the front of his shirt angrily.

“I told you Dream! This is my symphony forever unfinished!” Wilbur cackled madly and Dream grit his teeth angrily as he shoved the Alpha into the wall harshly.

“This isn’t a fucking game Wilbur! You can’t just stand on your perch and destroy everything that the people you care about have fought for! Or does the blood, sweat and tears your brother, son and friends shed not matter to you?!” He shouted furiously which made the crazed expression on Wilbur’s face disappear.

“And then what? You were just going to take the cowards way out and die rather than face the consequences of your actions?! After I specifically stated that I wanted no permanent deaths on my server?! And to top it off you tried to force your own father to do it! How fucking dare you Wilbur Soot!” He seethed and Wilbur just stared at him with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.

He went to scream some more but his face paled and his hands went slack as he heard the shriek of two withers being spawned. He barely acknowledged Wilbur slumping to the ground as he turned to face the withers only to meet Techno’s self-satisfied gaze which morphed into a mildly guilty one as he looked at him before turning on his heel and fleeing the scene leaving his withers to wreak havoc on the remains of Lmanberg.

He slowly walked up to the edge of the platform as his sword materialized in his hand as he went to leap down only to be stopped by a hand being placed on his shoulder, he turned around and saw Phil staring at him in concern.

“Mate a novice could tell that you are suffering from magical exhaustion, you can’t go down there” He said worriedly and Dream grimaced a little in agreement as he tightened his grip on his sword.

“I don’t have a choice, I have to protect my pack” He said seriously and it looked like Phil wanted to argue about this but he was quick to cut him off.

“Please keep an eye on Wilbur, don't let him do anything reckless while I take care of this” He requested softly and while it looked like Phil wanted to argue he simply nodded.

“Of course mate” He said in understanding and Dream gave him a small smile, not that the avian could see it due to his mask, before he turned to face the ledge once again as his wings sprouted from his back, he ignored the shocked gasps coming from Phil and Wilbur as he launched himself into battle. He slashed his sword against one of the withers before he landed and went back to back with Purpled, his instincts screamed at him to get the pup away from the battle but right now he did not have the luxury of being able to listen to his instincts as they had a battle to win.

Dream sucked in a couple of deep breaths as he leaned heavily on his sword, his vision was swimming dangerous and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could stay on his feet. The withers had finally been defeated but there was still one more thing he needed to take care of.

“Dream!” Sapnap called out but he just ignored him as with a strong push of his wings he landed back on the platform where he left Phil and Wilbur only to be met with a sight that made his heart freeze up.

Phil was collapsed on the ground as he struggled to even prop himself up and Wilbur was nowhere to be seen.

“Phil, what happened?” He asked worriedly as he crouched down next to the Alpha, nearly blacking out in the process.

“As soon as the withers went down Wilbur hit me with a weakness potion and took off” Phil grunted as he continued to struggle to prop himself and Dream grimaced as he glanced in the direction Wilbur took off in before glancing back at Phil.

“Here let me help you up” He said softly as he reached over to help the older blonde only to feel someone grip his shoulder and push him back slightly.

“Yeah, I don’t think so” Sapnap grunted unimpressed as he propped Phil up instead while Dream blinked up at him in confusion which earned him an eye roll from the blaze hybrid.

“You can barely keep yourself upright let alone another person” He grunted and Dream ducked his head a little sheepishly.

“Silly muffin” Bad said fondly as he helped Dream stand up and the Omega simply hummed as he leaned into the Beta’s side.

“You can rest soon Dream” Bad said softly as he began to lead Dream away and he just hummed softly as his eyes became heavy now that the exhaustion was properly setting in, he could really use a nice long nap.

To be continued...
Word count: 1254

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