chapter 13: niki

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Niki let out a tired sigh as she rearranged the large bundle of blankets in her arms, so far she had looked this entire ravine up and down trying to find a comfortable place to make her nest and had found absolutely nothing.

“Niki? What’s wrong?” Quackity asked curiously as he jogged up next to Niki and helped ease some of the blankets she was holding as they were practically blocking out her vision.

“I’ve been searching for a place to make my nest but I’ve found nothing!” She huffed kinda angrily, she had asked Wilbur for some help but he had locked himself in the “war room” and hadn’t come out in hours so she had been on her own.

“Oh, you're going into heat soon right?” Quackity asked as he followed along and Niki nodded.

“I’m already low on supplies and now I can’t even find somewhere comfortable to nest” She grumbled unhappily and Quackity nodded a little in understanding before his eyes sparkled as an idea came to him.

“Follow me!” He said eagerly as he grabbed her wrist and began to drag her away leaving the female Omega to jog alongside him so that she wouldn’t fall on her face.

“Where are you taking me?” She questioned curiously as the duck hybrid lead her out of the ravine.

“I’m going to bring you to where I spent my heat” He said cheerfully and she perked up curiously at this.

“I just hope he doesn’t murder me for this” He muttered sheepishly and Niki’s eyes widened in alarm.

“Excuse me?” She questioned but he just clumsily waved his hand dismissively, while being mindful of the blankets he was still holding.

“Don’t worry about it” He said carelessly and while Niki was still a bit worried she allowed herself to be lead into a clearing with an adorable little cottage in the middle of it. Quackity quickly dragged her inside and lead her to the bedroom where she was met with quite a surprising sight.

In the centre of the room was a nest and sitting inside was Techno was having his ears talked off by Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy and Purpled while Dream, who wasn’t wearing his mask, braided his hair and Eret braided the blondes.

“I’ve brought a guest!” Quackity announced startling just about everyone as Dream whipped around to face them allowing Niki to get a proper look at his face revealing the golden ring around his pupils causing a startled gasp to escape her.

“Quackity why did you bring her here? Not that your not wanted Niki, I’m just curious” Dream questioned before quickly reassuring Niki who couldn’t help but smile at the sweet register, it was clear they had walked in on something private but he was still being courteous to her instead of being angry.

“There's nowhere in that stupid ravine to properly nest and Niki’s in preheat and since you helped me during mine I thought you might be able to help her as well” Quackity revealed with a slightly sheepish look on his face and Dream’s eyes immediately softened.

“I understand, please come in Niki” He said softly as he gestured for her to enter the nest and after a brief moment of hesitation she complied with Quackity following suit.

“Thank you Dream” She said softly as Tubbo came to cuddle up next to her and Fundy cuddled up next to Quackity both of them immediately wrapped an arm around the younger Omegas.

“No need to thank me, that ravine is no place to have a heat” Dream said simply with a soft look on his face and Niki nodded in agreement.

“I didn’t know you were an Omega” She remarked softly and he nodded a little as a slightly anxious look appeared in his eyes.

“Most don’t” He said simply but Niki could immediately tell he was worried about her reaction and so she allowed a gentle smile to appear on her face.

“I won’t tell anyone” She promised softly and the anxious look leak out of his eyes as he mouth a small thank you before he resumed braiding Techno’s hair with Eret following suit, which Tommy and Purpled also took as a cue to continue talking Techno’ ears off.

“Your in good hands here Niki, Dream gives great cuddles” Tubbo said cheerfully and Dream blushed a little bit as everyone else nodded sagely in agreement.

“Shush you” He muttered shyly and Niki couldn’t help but giggle a little bit before glancing over at Techno.

“I didn’t take pack cuddles to be your thing” She remarked curiously as she focused on the anarchist who let out an exasperated/fond huff while the others chuckled.

“Dream refuses to let him leave until he gets a proper amount of rest” Eret remarked in amusement and Niki couldn’t help but to giggle a little bit once again.

“Damn right” Dream huffed decisively which made all of them laugh harder while Techno rolled his eyes in fond amusement, the things he let that little shit get away with was outstanding.

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