chapter 16: sapnap pt. 2

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“Oh, man did I miss your cooking” Sapnap announced cheerfully as he bounced in his seat and practically devoured the cake sitting in front of him which earned him an amused chuckle from Dream as he dried his hands.

“Don’t eat it too fast or you’ll get a stomach ache” He chided fondly as he took a slice of cake and began walking towards the bedroom.

“Where are you going?” Sapnap asked curiously as he landed back in his chair slightly so that he could see Dream who gave him a fond smile.

“I’m going to go see if Niki wants a slice” He explained and Sapnap nodded in understanding as he allowed the chair to touch the ground once again while Dream slipped into the other room.

Sapnap glanced down at the scraps of blue frosting on the cake with a thoughtful expression on his face as his thoughts ran rampant in his mind. It would be so easy to just stay here and avoid the conflict altogether, but he had promised George to fight by his side could he really turn his back on him? And what about Punz he couldn’t just leave him behind either it wouldn’t be right.

“Your thinking too loud” Dream stated as knocked on the side of his head and he grunted as he glanced up at him only to blink in confusion when he realized that the blonde was no longer wearing his sweater.

“Niki stole it” Dream explained when he noticed arsonists staring to which he just made a soft sound of understanding.

“Omegas are such clothing thieves, I honestly feel so stupid over the fact that I never realized that you were one seeing as you still have at least half of my wardrobe in your room” He said fondly and Dream chuckled a little bit before his expression became a tad bit more serious once again.

“What were you thinking about?” He asked softly as he took a seat across from Sapnap who let out a tired sigh.

“I made a promise to George that I would fight by his side but it's a fight that I don’t believe in and I don’t know if I want to go through with it but I don’t want to turn my back on him either, I just… don’t know what to do” He confessed as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration only fro Dream to gently ease them away so that he could hold his hands gently.

“Sapnap this is a tough decision but I can’t make it for you, but just know no matter what decision you choose I won’t hold it against you” He said comfortingly as he gently squeezed the Alpha’s hands who frowned down at their joined hands thoughtfully.

“Even if I side with George?” He asked he glanced back up and Dream gave him as soft sile as he nodded.

“Even if you side with George” He said reassuringly before a mischievous expression appeared on his face.

“Beside between me and you that side could use all of the help they can get” He staged whispered teasingly and Sapnap burst out laughing.

“You right you right” He said through his laughter which made Dream wheeze in amusement.

Once they both calmed down Sapnap smiled softly at their still joined hands as he came to a decision.

“I think I’ll keep true to my promise, if only to keep George safe” He said softly as glanced back at Dream who was giving him a proud smile before it suddenly morphed into a mischievous one.

“And Karl?” He asked innocently and Sapnap quickly pulled his hands away as a faint blush appeared on his face.

“Haha what are you talking about?” He questioned flustered and Dream just gave him a fond smile as he rested his head onto his fist.

“A little birdie told me you had a crush~” He said teasingly which made Sapnap blush deepen tenfold.

“It was Purpled, wasn’t it? That little shit!” He cursed as he covered his blushing face which just made Dream laugh loudly in amusement.

“If you don’t want people to learn about your secret crushes then don’t leave your diary laying around” Purpled huffed as he and Tommy walked into the house which earned him a bunch of offended noises from Sapnap and laughter from Dream.

“Oooo cake, poggers!” Tommy said cheerfully as he made a beeline for the cake sitting on the counter.

“One slice Tommy” Dream stated as he got control of his laughter.

“Yeah yeah” Tommy said dismissively as he got himself and Purpled very generous slices of cake.

“Oh, your father would kill me if he saw what I let you get away with” Dream mused as the pups took a seat at the table and he eyed their slices of cake but Tommy just waved his hand dismissively once again.

“Nah, just give him the puppy dog eyes and he’ll let you get away with murder. Works for me and the others all the time” He said carelessly as he shoved a piece of cake into his mouth while the others laughed loudly.

“Ah, so this is where you disappeared to” A voice remarked from the doorway startling everyone as they quickly turned to see who it was.

Protective Mama Bear Dream(discontinued/on hold)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora