chapter 6: Tubbo

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Tubbo hummed to himself as he made his way towards Tommy’s room with a bundle of apples held in his arms, the young Alpha had missed breakfast so he had taken it upon himself to make sure that the blonde ate something.

“Tommy, you awake?” He asked as he knocked on his door only to receive no response, he furrowed his eyebrows together before knocking again this time heard some shuffling believing that Tommy had simply slept in he pushed the door open without a second thought only to be hit full force with the scent of lavender. His eyes widened as a long since forgotten memory came to the forefront.

Tubbo gasped in pain as he shuffled through the forest, he had been attempting to make his way to Pogtopia but he had gotten lost along the way and it was starting to get dark. The burns from the fireworks screamed in agony even after respawning and he didn’t know how much longer he could stay conscious.

“Ah!” He yelped in shock as his foot got caught on a root and he hit the ground hard a pained whimper escaping him as black spots filled his vision. The last thing he saw before blacking out was someone rushing towards him.

After that, he could only piece together bits and pieces of memories, the most prompt trait of all of them being a warm comforting presence and the soothing scent of lavender. The next time he was fully coherent he was in Pogtopia and Tommy was pulling him into a hug so the mystery person had been completely forgotten about and simply chalked up to his imagination.

Tommy jumped up and quickly shut the door before standing in front of Tubbo seemingly trying to hide the person sitting on his bed but he was doing a really bad job of it as Tubbo was still able to see the person. At first, he couldn’t quite place who the person was but then he noticed two very obvious things, the lime green hoodie and the white smiley-faced mask sitting on the bedside table.

“Dream?” He said shocked and the older Omega grimaced a little bit as he gave him an awkward little wave.

“Hey Tubbo” He said awkwardly and while Tubbo could hyper-focus on the fact that the blonde was an Omega and not an Alpha like he had assumed he had other things to think about.

“Your the one who took care of me after the festival” He said softly and Dream’s eyes widened a little bit while Tommy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he glanced between the two of them.

“I didn’t think you remembered” Dream mumbled softly and Tubbo shuffled a little bit closer.

“I didn’t but your scent it… triggered a memory” He said equally softly and the older Omega nodded in understanding.

“You were pretty out of it during that time so I’m not surprised” He remarked more to himself than to the two pups.

“What are you talking about?” Tommy questioned in confusion and Dream hummed as he patted the spots next to him for both of them to sit down, which they quickly did both practically melting into the comforting embrace.

“After the festival, I found Tubbo collapsed in the woods and he had been in really rough shape so I took him back to my cottage so that I could properly treat his injuries. After I made sure he was in stable condition I secretly brought him to Pogtopia so that he could be with all of you” He explained softly and Tubbo leaned even closer to the blonde.

“Thank you Dream” He said gratefully and the older Omega cooed softly as he nuzzled the ram hybrid who purred happily at the action while Tommy tilted his head to the side thoughtfully.

“You have a house?” He asked and Dream blinked in confusion as he turned to look at the young Alpha.

“Yes?” He replied baffled to which Tommy nodded a little bit in understanding with a slight smirk on his face.

“Techno think’s your homeless” He remarked casually and Dream let out a bunch of offended noises which made the two pups laugh loudly in amusement.

“Stupid bacon” He muttered playfully under his breath which just made Tommy and Tubbo laugh even harder. This made a warm feeling fill Dreams chest as a soft smile appeared on his face, he was so glad to see the two pups look so carefree he hated the fact that he was actually struggling to remember the last time he had seen them like this.

He pulled the two of them closer so that he could nuzzle them protectively which turned their laughter into pleased purrs and rumbles as they nuzzled him back. He didn’t care what he had to do but he was going to make sure that these pups, as well as Fundy and Purpled, could be this happy and carefree again and not have to worry about any more wars.

His eyes flashing gold a little bit as he held the pups, no his pups, even closer. Neither of the two seemed to mind as they just continued to nuzzle him happily both of them fully giving into their instincts and accepting the protective comfort from the Omega.

Protective Mama Bear Dream(discontinued/on hold)Where stories live. Discover now