chapter 12: techno

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“Hey, Tommy” Dream called as he gestured for the pup to come closer while he continued to watch Techno farm potatoes.

“What's up Big D?” He asked curiously as he came to stand next to the man.

“Do you know when Techno last slept?” Dream asked and Tommy furrowed his eyebrows in thought as he glanced in the direction of his brother, a few seconds passed before a worried expression appeared on his face.

“I… don’t know” He admitted as he glanced back at Dream who sighed and muttered something about stubborn Alphas before making his way towards Techno with Tommy trailing behind him.

“Hey Techno!” Dream called out and the piglin hybrid grunted as he turned to face him.

“Hullo” He said simply in greeting as Dream and his brother came to a stop in front of him.

“Truth or dare” Dream stated simply and Techno furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, a quick glance at Tommy showed that the pup was just as confused as him.

“Uh… truth?” He replied baffled and Dream rocked happily on his heels.

“How many hours have you slept this week?” He asked simply and Techno stiffened slightly as a deer in the headlights expression briefly appeared on his face while a look of understanding appeared on Tommy’s before it morphed into a mischievous one.

“Dare” He grunted stubbornly and Dream shrugged his shoulders.

“Okay, I dare you to go to sleep” He said cheerfully which made Tommy laugh while Techno grunted unimpressed and crossed his arms.

“I don’t like this game” He stated which only made Tommy laugh harder while Dream shrugged his shoulders once again.

“And I don’t like seeing you run yourself ragged” He remarked simply and Techno blinked a little in surprise while Dream reached out and took one of the Alpha’s hands into his own.

“I could carry a mountain in those eyebags of yours Tech, when was the last time you slept? Or ate? Or been outside of this ravine?” He asked worriedly and Techno glanced away with a mildly uncomfortable look on his face that spoke volumes.

“Why haven’t you been taking care of yourself?!” Tommy questioned angrily as he took his brother's other hand and stared him down, it pained him that he hadn’t noticed what Techno had been doing to himself but he was not about to just let it continue.

“Supplies need to be gathered, weapons and armour need to prepared, I don’t have time-” He began to say only to be cut off by Dream putting a finger over his lips.

“I’m gonna stop you right there, this revolution does not come before your health. I understand that you just want to provide for everyone but you will be useless to us all if you don’t care for yourself first” He said sternly with Tommy nodding passionately in agreement.

“But-” He started to say only to be cut off by Dream and Tommy dragging him away from the farm.

“Where are you taking me?” He grunted baffled as he allowed himself to be dragged away, he could easily stop them but he was kinda curious as well as touched by their concern for him. Wilbur had been pushing him to work himself ragged so he kind of assumed that that’s what everyone expected of him.

“We are going to my house and you are going to take a nap and then you are going to eat a proper meal that does not contain only potatoes” Dream stated simply as they exited the ravine and a slight smirk appeared on Techno’s face as he went to open his mouth only for Dream to suddenly whirl around and point a finger in his face.

“If you say one thing about me being homeless I will shove my sword where the sun does not shine, do not test me Technoblade” He threatened seriously and Techno chuckled in understanding while Tommy practically cackled in amusement. Dream nodded in satisfaction before turning back around and continued to drag him away.

“Will you feed me as well Dream?” Tommy asked hopefully and Dream softened as he nodded.

“Of course Tommy, in fact, you can help me cook” He said softly as he reached over with his free hand to ruffle the young Alpha’s hair and Techno was a little surprised to see Tommy preen at the affection instead of shy away from it like he usually did.

A soft smile appeared on his face as he watched the duo, honestly, when Dream acted like this it made him question the intelligence of the other people on the server and how they hadn’t figured out that the blonde was an Omega and not an Alpha. Then again Dream didn’t know that he knew, he had just barely seen the golden ring around his pupil when his mask had broken during their duel before he had covered it up. He didn’t really know why Dream hid his secondary gender but he would respect his wishes and keep it a secret, and if the day came that he felt safe enough to entrust him with his secret then he would shower him in his acceptance.

“Huh, so you do have a house” He remarked curiously as they approached a cosy looking cottage and he had to fight back the smirk that wanted to appear on his face when he could practically feel the glare that Dream was giving him while Tommy laughed.

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