chapter 15: sapnap

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Dream hummed contently to himself as bustled about his small kitchen to gather the ingredients to make a cake, his cottage for the first time in a while being quiet. Niki was napping peacefully in the nest and the others had all dispersed to do their own things.

Tubbo had dragged Techno off to do some bonding which Dream found absolutely adorable, which is why he had purposefully ignored the pleading look the Alpha had given him as the ram hybrid dragged him out of the cottage. If Techno really didn’t want to go with him he could have easily stopped him but Dream knew that he was a secret softie and he felt guilty for the scars that marred the young Omega’s face so there was no way he was going to turn him down.

Tommy and Purpled had also disappeared to do some bonding and Dream was a little concerned for the safety of the server considering the kind of shenanigans those two could get up to together. But he was also so happy to see them acting like kids that he was going to leave their chaos to be everyone else’s problems.

Quackity, Fundy and Eret had all returned to Pogtopia as they all had things to do that day, Eret especially had promised him and Niki to try and force Wilbur out of his “war room” to get some sleep and to eat something. Eret was a stubborn man and if he had to drag the other Alpha out of the room kicking and screaming then he would do it.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion when he heard someone knocking on his door, not many knew about the whereabouts of his cottage and with the exception of a few all of them had already left for the day. He dried his hands off on a dishtowel before slipping his mask on and approaching the door.

“Sapnap?” He exclaimed in surprise as he opened the door and saw his tear-stained best friend who was shifting from foot to foot with an uncomfortable/guilty expression on his face.

“Hey Dream, can… can we talk?” Sapnap asked hopefully and Dream immediately nodded as he held his door open a bit wider.

“Of course come in, are you okay?” He asked worriedly as he led the blaze hybrid over towards his kitchen table and Sapnap wrung his hands anxiously as he took a seat.

“I know that your an Omega” He suddenly blurted out and Dream’s eyes widened in surprise.

“I’ve been having a lot of trouble sleeping because of how guilty I felt over how our last conversation went and so I came here last night because I know sometimes you have bouts of insomnia and I was hoping you’d still be awake, but your bedroom window was open and I overheard the conversation you had with the others and I didn’t know how to react so I camped out in the woods so that I would be able to talk to you in the morning but now that I’m here I don’t what to say to make up for big of a dick I have been” He rambled as his stress grew tenfold, little flames licking at his hands and Dream immediately reached out to hold them purposefully ignoring the sting of pain that earned him from the flames.

“Sapnap, take a deep breath and calm down” He said softly and the Alpha took a couple of shaky breaths as he tried to calm down his racing thoughts and pounding heart.

“There’s no need to get yourself worked up, I’m not mad at you or anything” He reassured as he rubbed his thumb against the man’s hand soothingly, to which Sapnap glanced up at him with slightly watery eyes.

“Really?” He asked hesitantly and Dream hummed as he took a seat across from him while also taking his mask off so that he could give the Alpha a warm smile.

“Of course Sap, I admit I was a little upset after the fact but I could never stay mad at you... or George. People are bound to have different opinions there’s no need to throw a hissy for over it” He remarked in a slightly amused tone of voice.

“But you were right!” Sapnap exclaimed loudly as he jerked his hands away and Dream furrowed his eyebrows in concern.

“I fucking hate Schlatt and the number of times I have wanted to deck that man in the face has definitely reached double digits by now” He growled harshly as he crossed his arms to which Dream tilted his head to the side in confused curiosity.

“Then… why did you agree to side with him?” He asked baffled to which Sapnap immediately grimaced.

“I… was being selfish” He admitted softly before taking a deep reassuring breath.

“You were spending so much time with Pogtopia that I started to feel like I was being left behind that I wasn’t needed anymore, so when George asked me to side with him and Schlatt… I was scared of being completely abandoned so I ignored my values and agreed” He said in a small broken tone of voice which made Dream’s eyes widened in horror.

“Oh Pandas, no no no no no” He chanted as he got out of his seat so that he could pull his brother into a tight comforting hug.

“You are my brother, I could never abandon you and I am so sorry it ever seemed like I was” He said seriously as he hugged the now trying blaze hybrid tightly while a few tears slipped down his own cheeks.

“I’ve missed you so much” Sapnap choked out and Dream hummed in agreement as he gently ran his fingers through the Alpha’s hair.

“I’ve missed you too” He mumbled softly as they continued to hg for what felt like hours but was likely just a few minutes, both of them too busy being comforted by the comforting warmth of the other.

Eventually, Dream slowly pulled away so that he could give Sapnap a soft smile while also brushing away any remaining tears that still lingered on the man’s face.

“Now I would let you help me bake my cake but I would like to keep my very flammable house intact a little bit longer” He remarked in amusement as booped Sapnap’s nose who burst out laughing.

“I’ll supervise” He offred through his laughter and Dream chuckled in agreement as the small hole in his heart filled itself back in, while another hole grew a little bigger with the missing presence of their third member.

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