chapter 10: eret

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“What is it you wanted to discuss Dream?” Eret questioned as they shifted slightly in their seat, it felt kinda weird being back inside of the castle after being dethroned.

“First things first I wanted to return this to you” The blonde remarked as he reached into his satchel and removed Eret’s crown, their eyes widened as they stared at the object before they returned their focus to Dream.

“What for?” He questioned suspiciously and Dream sighed softly as he traced his finger along one of the gems.

“I should have been more honest with you when I initially took it” He muttered more to himself than to Eret before letting out another sigh and placing the crown on the table.

“I didn’t dethrone you to be malicious and to try and force you to choose me over helping your friends, what I was trying to do was give you an easy out” He explained and Eret tilted their head to the side curiously.

“Explain” They prompted and Dream sighed as he reached up to run his fingers through his hair.

“As the monarch of the Greater Smp you were honour bound to stay true to our neutrality in the conflict between Manberg and Pogtopia but I knew that your loyalties lied with your friends and not me so I made a spectacle of dethroning you to not only protect my people but also give you the chance to aid the people you really cared about” He explained tiredly and Eret blinked in surprise as they processed what the blonde had just said.

“Dream-” They tried to say but Dream cut him off as he continued to talk.

“But that decision has become redundant now as George and the others have sided with Schlatt and to keep the pups safe I have officially joined Pogtopia” He continued to explain before picking the crown back up and holding it out towards Eret.

“So if you are willing I would be honoured to crown you once again” He said softly with a gentle smile on his face that the brunette couldn’t see.

Eret stared at the crown for a moment before reaching out, but instead of taking the crown, they pushed it back down onto the table and instead they gently took Dream’s hands into their own.

“What did you mean by who I really care about?” They questioned and Dream tilted his head to the side as if he didn’t understand what the Alpha was asking him.

“Isn’t it obvious?” He questioned and Eret shook their head.

“You only joined my side because I promised you a crown and power not because you actually wanted to join me” He pointed out before letting out a small self-deprecating sounding laugh.

“It seems everyone’s loyalties lie elsewhere” Dream muttered to himself only to blink in confusion when Eret tightened their hold on his hands.

“Dream!” They said sternly and the blonde immediately sat up straighter as they glanced up only for his eyes to widen when he met Eret’s eyes, their glasses having slipped down his nose slightly. Eret’s eyes had always fascinated him and not because of their white glow but because they didn’t have the signature red ring around the pupils that all Alpha’s had, it was something so special and unique about them that Dream almost wished he had as it would have made hiding his second gender easier.

“I may have initially joined you because of what you promised me but that doesn’t mean you aren’t my friend! You were the one who was there when the nightmares and guilt were too much to handle! You were the one who valued my opinions and actually listened to me! You were the one who was just there when I needed you most! You are my pack Dream!” Eret shouted strongly and Dream’s eyes widened in shock as a few tears slipped out.

“R-Really?” He stuttered out and Eret let out a soft sigh as they stood up and moved closer to the blonde so that they could pull him into a hug.

“Really” They seriously as they gently cupped the back of Dream’s head to bring him closer as the admin finally broke down and clung onto them tightly subconsciously breathing in the Alpha’s sweet strawberry scent, that was another thing that made Eret different from other Alpha’s as usually only an Omega would have a scent like this. Eret really was out here challenging all gender stereotypes… maybe he could trust them with his secret…

“Eret I want to show you something” He mumbled softly and the Alpha pulled away slightly as they tilted their head curiously. He took in a deep breath before he slowly removed his mask and shyly met Eret’s eyes who smiled softly at him

“I already knew” They said softly and Dream’s eyes widened in shock.

“What? How?” He questioned slightly alarmed but Eret just gave him a reassuring smile.

“Your suppressants ran out when we were having a meeting once” They explained gently and Dream’s eyes widened in shock.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” He asked and Eret shrugged their shoulders nonchalantly.

“I wanted you to be the one to tell me yourself” He explained and a warm smile appeared on the Omega’s face as they nuzzled the monarch happily.

“Thank you” He mumbled softly and Eret simply hummed in understanding as they pulled the blonde closer.

"Of course" They mumbled warmly and Dream purred contently as he cuddled closer.

“So I have a cuddle pile planned with the pups and Quackity, would you be interested in joining?” Dream asked shyly after a few moments of silence earning him a fond chuckle from Eret.

“I would be honoured” They said warmly which earned them a nearly blinding smile from the Omega as he purred happily to which Eret rumbled happily back as they cuddled the admin closer, they were going to get all of their cuddles in now before they had to share.

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