chaptr17: punz

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“Punz? What are you doing here?” Sapnap questioned in surprise which earned him an amused huff from the other Alpha as he walked properly into the house.

“I promised Dream I’d keep an eye on you and George, so when you decided to up and disappear on me I had to go and track your ass down to make sure you didn’t go and do something stupid” He explained as he took a seat next to Purpled while a faint blush appeared on Sapnap’s face.

“Sorry, I just really needed to speak with Dream” He said apologetically and Punz nodded in understanding before to turned to look at Dream and eyed him up for a moment.

“Yeah that tracks” He said simply as he nodded to himself to which Dream sputtered in confusion.

“What do you mean?” He questioned baffled and Punz just gave him a deadpanned look as he leaned forward slightly so that he could look him right in the eyes.

“Dream, you have the biggest mama bear energy that I have ever seen. You being an Omega makes a hell of a lot of sense” He stated simply and Dream’s face went red with embarrassment while the others laughed in agreement.

“I’m not that bad” He muttered stubbornly but that just earned him unimpressed looks from everyone.

“Dream, I once got a little too rough with Purpled during training once and you almost clawed my eyes out” Punz stated seriously and Dream’s blush deepened as he ducked his head slightly.

“You cut him” He mumbled stubbornly which earned him fond eye rolls from Punz and Sapnap while Purpled huffed in amusement.

“It was a small scratch that didn’t even bleed” Purpled pointed out fondly and Dream whined as he ducked his head even further as his face was now bright red.

“I hate you guys” He muttered spitefully which just made the others laugh loudly.

“You are very loud” Niki yawned sleepily as she stepped into the room holding an empty plate.

“Sorry Niki” Tommy apologized sheepishly to which Niki just hummed softly as she approached the table.

“It’s okay pup” She mumbled sleepily as she nuzzled his head and then Purpled’s before making her way over to the sink to wash her dish.

“I’ll wash it after Niki you don’t need to worry about” Dream said as he turned slightly to face her and she nodded in acceptance as she put the plate down before making her way back over so that she could nuzzle Dream head.

“How are you feeling? Do you need any more water or snacks?” He asked as he nuzzled her back happily.

“I’m okay, just tired” She mumbled softly as she pulled away and Dream nodded in understanding.

“You head back to bed, we’ll be quieter I promise” He said softly and she nodded before heading back to the bedroom while Tommy quickly shoved the last of his cake into his mouth before following after her for some cuddles, Dream watched on fondly before glancing back at the others only to see that all three of them were smirking at him.

“Mama bear” Punz stated in amusement and Dream huffed as he gathered up the empty plates.

“Shut up” He grumbled as he walked over towards the sink while the others chuckled softly.

“So what do you plan to do?” Punz asked as he turned to face Sapnap who had a small smile on his face.

“I’ll keep true to my promise to George and I’ll fight with him, but I make no promises that I won’t accidentally punch Schlatt if he annoys me” He said simply with a little mischievous twinkle in his eyes that made Punz chuckle fondly.

“Then I’ll by your side as well, if only to keep you and George from dying in a ditch somewhere” He quipped fondly and Sapnap huffed in amusement while Purpled laughed.

“I’m feeling the love” He drawled sarcastically and Punz gave him a cheeky grin in return only for both of them to yelp in surprise when a dish towel was thrown in their faces.

“Make yourself useful and help me with the dishes instead of keeping Niki up” Dream huffed as he stared them down with his arms crossed.

“I’ll help” Purpled said as he stood up and Dream immediately softened as he nuzzled the pup happily.

“Thank you pup but you can go cuddle with Niki and Tommy” He said softly and Purpled tilted his head curiously.

“Are you sure?” He asked and Dream nodded with a warm smile on his face which he returned before heading into the bedroom.

“Now you two get up and help me” Dream stated as he turned back towards the other two with a stern look on his face and while Sapnap whined childishly Punz just chuckled and got up to help Dream, he really didn’t want to piss off the Omega.

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