Chapter 18: Prom ×2×

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Selena's Pov

We walked in the front which had a camera man taking pictures and the background of a blue curtain and star lights hanging on it, it was pretty. It was me and Zack's turn to take a couple picture. We walked up on the spot and he wrapped his arm around waist and smiled to the camera.
I looked at the camera and smiled. The camera snapped with a flash and I turned to Zack who pulled me into a kiss with his arms wrapped around my waist and my arms around his neck. I heard the camera snap and chuckled. We saw the pictures and I smiled,"Just one more please?" The man nodded and I pulled Zack back to the background and he put his arm around me, he was to my left. I looked to Justin and Kendall and motioned my arms for them to come over. They smiled and walked over to us getting ready for the picture to. Zack was to my left, Justin to my right, and Kendall to his right. We all smiled and the flash snapped the picture. I went to go see the picture which was nice..until I saw me smiling and Justin]was literally starring at me with a smile. Uh oh.
"Come on babe! Let's go dance!" Zack yelled through the music, I looked at him and smiled walking over to him. He took my hand and we walked to the dance floor, swaying and dancing with our song. Yes. That's our song, the one we sang together. Shut Up and Dance
After a few songs we were tired, so we walked to our table that we shared with Kendall and Justin and another Harry and Taylor. We sat, me in between Zack and Justin, Kendall next to him. I took a sip of my tea that they set for us and kisses Zack's cheek.

He turned to me and smiled,"What was that for?"

I smiled and climbed out arms together,"Tonight has been really fun." He smiled kissing my lips passionately.

"You know..maybe tonight..could be the night?" He asked kisssing my hand.

I chuckled,"Patience."

An announcement spoke through the speakers,"Everyone, we are about to announce this prom's King and Prom Queen."

Everyone started cheering and most of the girls ran up in front of the stage to see closer, I chuckled,"Prom Queen will do anything to girls these days."
Him, Justin and Kendall chuckling with me.

"Prom King is.....Zack Roberts!"

Everyone cheered and most of his friends came up to hug him or high five him. I kissed his cheek, hugging him,"Congrats babe, go on!"

He smiled and ran up on stage, standing as they place the crown on his head. I clapped along with everyone else. Then I turned to Kendall and Justin,"So who did yall vote for? I voted Taylor."

"I voted for you." Kendall smiled and I side hugged her.

"Now girls...Prom Queen this year is! .......Selena Marie Gomez!"

Justin got up and pulled me into a hug as Kendall rolled her eyes but clapped, mostly everyone clapping.WHAT? I have to talk to her later.
I looked at Justin,"Did..did I win?"
He smiled showing his dimples and nodded,"Yeah! Go on up there!"

I smiled and hugged him back, he gave me a little push to go on up the stage and I did.
Once I got up there standing next to Zack, sliding his hand into mine and kissing me quickly before they put the other crown on my head. I smiled and waved at everyone. I saw Taylor and Harry clapping at me, me and her winking at each other.

After the slow dance that me and Zack had, everyone went back to dancing and then we all decided that our group of friends had to dance with all the boys and all the girls.

Taylor's Pov

Me and Justin were the first to dance with each other, it was a slow dance.
I hand my arms wrapped around his neck and his hands tickled my waist,"Justin stop" I laughed.

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