Chapter 11: Jason and Selena//Kendall and Justin

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Justins Pov

We were at school in first period, it was Ryan, Me, and Sel, everyone already knew we were together but we still were normal. Not really the face sucking kind of couple, we held hands sometimes and mostly I carried her. I was sitting with her and Mr.Smith was teaching on the board. I slipped my hand into hers under the table and we both smiled at each other. I never used to be so soft, but since we've known each other, that's all I've been. "Justin! Can you tell me what year He sailed?" He snapped me out of my thoughts, I looked up at the board and saw Christopher Columbus. "1492." I gulped and he nodded going on with teaching.
It was now second period, I was sitting in the back corner of the class and knew only two people in here. The teacher had passed out some worksheets and I was now solving the limits. My pencil broke as I finished writing the problem and I cursed under my breath,"Fuck." I raised my hand,"Can I sharpen my pencil?" She nodded. I walked to the front next to the door of the class and sharpened my pencil. As I did, through the window on the door, I saw Jason pass by. I rolled my eyes annoyed. But then I saw Sel walk out of the bathroom, smiling I was gonna wave but she didn't notice so I sat back down. I glanced back at the window and saw something that..just hurt. Jason and Selena making out. In my mind I was screaming and wanted to run out of the room and put Jason in the hospital. But I couldn't move, I don't know why. I just watched and almost threw up.

Selena's Pov

I walked in the bathroom, I was skipping second period, I hated who was in there and needed a break. Jason was in that class and we were partners. I walked to my stall and looked through my bag, I found my phone and texted Ryan and Taylor just to say hi. Before I could walk back, I bumped into..Jason. I looked up at him and he pulled me into a kiss. I tried to pull away but he held my arms roughly not letting me go, He started to move his lips more, looking like we were making out but then I shook my head. He let go and I slapped him,"Don't you dare touch me again." I barked in his face and stomped away.
It was now lunch and I sat at our table. Half an hour passed of lunch and everyone was here but Justin, I got worried and asked,"Have any of you seen Jay?" Everyone shook their heads or shrugged, I sighed and pulled out my phone, waiting for him to answer, but he didn't. Maybe he has work to do.
By the end of my last class, I was so worried about Justin that I basically ran to the parking lot. I didn't see his red truck or him. Sighing in frustration, I paced to the front of the school and saw Kendall sitting in the grass. I walked to her,"Hey have you seen Justin?" She shrugged,"No, but in second period he looked pretty pissed." I brought my eyebrows together and jumped at a honk behind me, I turned and saw him in his truck. "Forget the bus, I'll give a ride KendAll 0!" He winked at her, I gasped as she walked to his car and got in, he drove very fast away. Tears basically streaming down my eyes, I sat in the grass and blinked them away. What the hell is going on? Is he mad? Is he with Kendall? How am I gonna pick up Becky? Where was he today? Did I do something wrong? I pulled out my phone and called Taylor.

T: Hey Sel I have a ride?

T:Actually I am in the middle of no where with Harry. His car broke down.

S:Oh..are y'all okay?

T:Yeah. You?

S:I'm fine, bye.


I hung up and wiped my face, I called Ryan

S:Ryan, hey

R:Hey wassup?

S:Can I have a ride?

R:Umm...yeah, I can't right now.

S:Oh um..that's okay. See you later kay

R:Kay, bye


I hung up and sighed, I had no choice, I started walking, at first the walking wasn't so bad. But then it began worse, my legs hurt like hell. Once I see Justin, I am going to kick his ass, what the Fuck! I finally got to Becky's school which was six miles from my school and three more miles was my house. I carried her...not just tired...but then it started to rain.

It was fucking raining!!
I ran to my house, tired, wet, and angry, once we got inside, I put her down. We took a shower, I put her in her pajamas and me in mine, then we ate. She got a little sick because we were out in the rain, so I gave her some medicine. Then I put her to sleep, it took forever but by midnight she was out. I dragged myself up to my room and laid down. Tears brimming down my face...I cried myself to sleep.

Justin's Pov

I was drunk, drunker than Selena at Jason's party, and after I picked up Kendall, I drove her to her house. "Wanna come in and.." She leaned in and kissed me, scooting closer, she took my hand and winked,"Come on." We walked in her house and she dragged me upstairs to her room. Wow. That was quick. But my drunk ass self threw her on the bed and we....uuuuuuuuuu hoooooooooo. I was mad and drunk...can't believe I did that.

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