Episode 7: Behind the Scenes 3

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"You know, I really thought that we would be doing really well on this show

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"You know, I really thought that we would be doing really well on this show." Alyssa pouted as the four Gaia members sat in the van, headed back to the company. "But we haven't even won a challenge yet."

"I thought the ballroom dance was really different." Ayla said softly. "I'm shocked that we didn't win."

"Well I'm not." Belle mumbled. "Definitely wasn't my best performance."

"There's still another challenge." Evie finally spoke, turning to her members. "And we also have the final song as well."

"Competitions suck." Belle huffed, crossing her arms. "Remind me why we did this in the first place. It's not like we weren't doing well without this."

"It's to push ourselves." Evie reminded her. "I think this competition has made us work harder than ever before."

"Whatever." Belle shook her head, crossing her arms as she turned towards the window. "All I'm learning is that I don't like these competitions. It's pushing me to my limits and I would leave if I had the chance to."

Evie bit her lip, not knowing what to say. She turned to the window as well, wondering if this all was a big mistake.


"You're distracted." Sunwoo pointed out, making the girl turn her head towards him. She glanced back at the screen and realized that she hadn't been paying attention at all. Knowing the animation well enough, she knew she had been zoned almost the entire film, and guilt started pooling inside of her.

Instead of getting mad though, Sunwoo paused the movie, putting his full attention on her. "Is something wrong?"

If I can't talk to the members, I might as well tell him.

"The members are having a hard time." Evie confessed.

"With the competition?" She nodded.

"It's taking a large mental toll on them."

"To be fair, that is what happens." Sunwoo replied bluntly before quickly realizing his mistake. "But I'm sure they know that they're not going through it alone. Like it's just as hard on you too."

"But I'm their leader." Evie cups her face in her hands. "I shouldn't have let us do this. Being an idol is hard enough."

This is hard. Sunwoo thought to himself. The members really like competing because it helps promote us more. For a group in such a big company though, it must be so useless.

"Oh it's late." Evie looked down at her phone. "I should get going."

Sunwoo felt lost as he watched Evie begin to pack, even though the film was over yet. He could tell she was tired, and didn't want to push too much.

"Hey Evie." Sunwoo finally got himself to say as he walked her to the door. "This isn't your fault, you know."

Evie gave him a soft smile, shrugging her shoulders.

"It is what it is."


I can't do this. Sunwoo thought to himself as he stared at the choreographer. The choreographer was doing all the moves, showing the members, but Sunwoo couldn't get himself to follow. I really can't do this.

The Boyz were busy practicing for their next stage, which was coming soon. It was a big stage and the perfect opportunity to showcase something different. In all honesty, Sunwoo really wanted to dance this part but the sinking feeling in his gut was telling him not to. And for once, he felt like he should follow it.

He wondered if the other members sensed his discomfort, using his peripheral to eye the mirror. Unfortunately, the others seemed just as confused as the choreographer, who was turning to face him.

"Is something wrong?" The choreographer asked, stopping his moves. Sunwoo now felt bad for stopping the lesson as well, knowing they were short on time. He had to say something though, he couldn't continue like this.

"I just feel uneasy about this." Sunwoo admitted. "I don't think I can pull this off."

It was a lame excuse and Sunwoo knew it but he didn't know how to say it without saying what was exactly on his mind. Ah, this is not good.

The choreographer smiled at him, shaking his head before patting his shoulder. "Sunwoo, there's no need to be humble. I had you in mind when I made this part, I know you'll perform it just as I envisioned it."

That's the problem though. Sunwoo wanted to scream. I can't dance like that and I really can't do it on stage.

"I just think it would be better if someone else did it." Sunwoo blurted out quickly. "I've just been overwhelmed a little and don't want to mess up on stage. I don't want to bring the team down."

"Sunwoo, you won't bring the team down, you always perform well." Juyeon said, clearly confused.

"He's right. Let's not waste time." Q added, the main dancer of the group starting to get annoyed. "We don't have a lot of it."

Sunwoo turned to Sangyeon, pleading for help with his eyes. Please hyung, you know what my problem is.

"Sunwoo, is something wrong?" Sangyeon asked. Sunwoo tried not to wince. No this is not how it's supposed to go!

Eric raised his hand, and Sunwoo hoped he would say something that would take the attention off of him. "Yes?"

"Maybe we should let Sunwoo take a break, he has been doing a lot of special parts lately." Eric said, taking Sunwoo by surprise. "I think  Jacob could take this part since Sunwoo does have center for the first part of the dance anyways."

"Me?" Jacob pointed to himself in confusion. "I'm not a dancer."

"Jacob does fit this part well." The choreographer thought out loud. "I'm not against the idea if Sunwoo thinks he'll struggle with it."

"I think Jacob hyung would do a better job than me." Sunwoo quickly said, stepping back. "I believe in you hyung."

The choreographer glanced at Jacob. "Um, I'll guess I'll do it."

"Great, let's continue then. Jacob, come up here."

I need to thank Eric later. Sunwoo told himself as the rest of practice continued, the whole scenario soon forgotten. Before he knew it, they were back in the dorms.

As Sunwoo went out to the kitchen area to get a late night snack, Eric was sitting there, watching some video on his phone. Sunwoo soon remembered the practice, and decided to tap his shoulder, getting Eric's attention.

"Thanks." Sunwoo whispered quietly. "For what you did."

It took Eric a second to remember before he shrugged his shoulders in response.

"It's cool, I knew why anyways." Eric told him.

"You do?" Eric nodded.

"It's because of Evie, isn't it?"

"It's because of Evie, isn't it?"

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Okay now this episode is over :)

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