Episode 4: Behind the Scenes 3

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Sunwoo was awfully nervous yet as excited as he glanced outside the window of the vehicle he was in

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Sunwoo was awfully nervous yet as excited as he glanced outside the window of the vehicle he was in. He could see fangirls crowding outside the SM Entertainment building, hoping to see their idols.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed a familiar female, wearing a black cap and long jacket, head bowed. To anyone else, she would have been a regular person on the street, but Sunwoo knew better.

Sunwoo thanked the driver before hopping out, running towards the girl. The two naturally made their way to the back entrance, slipping into the building before anyone could see.

They both naturally let out a deep breath the second they were out of the public view. Evie took off her cap, running her fingers through her hair.

Sunwoo suddenly felt more nervous as he shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket, simply staring. Evie turned back, making his heart stop for a moment as she smirked at him. "Welcome to SM Entertainment."

"This place is nice." Sunwoo said, trying to play it cool as he followed Evie through the halls and staircases, twisting and turning until they met a section of elevators.

"There was a lot of money spent on it." Evie said as they entered an elevator. The two were quiet for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Should I compliment her? Sunwoo wondered, a million thoughts running through his head. But she's not wearing anything particularly nice. Will I sound creepy?

Eventually Evie was the one who burst out in laughter first. Sunwoo smiled, glancing at her. "What?"

"Why are you being so awkward?" Evie asked him. "You're never this awkward on calls."

"Hey, you're being awkward too." Sunwoo argued as the doors opened, the two of them stepping out.

"I'm awkward because you're awkward."

"That's not an excuse."

Evie suddenly stopped, turning around. Sunwoo's eyes widened as he realized how close she was to him, holding his breath.

Sunwoo watched as Evie poked his chest lightly, shaking her head. His heart felt like he had just ran a marathon, beating rapidly in his chest.

"See, you're being awkward." Evie said before turning back around. Sunwoo couldn't respond, so he decided to silently follow her like a lost puppy instead.

The two ended up in a dance studio, Evie showing Sunwoo the place. She had rented out the room for the two of them, after they agreed to spend the day there.

Evie wore a pair of black leggings with white sneakers, a thin, loose grey sweater over top. Sunwoo had sweatpants and a hoodie, keeping his black cap on to hide his messy hair.

"Is this ealy for you?" Evie asked as she finished setting up, playing some music as they warmed up. "You normally don't wake up this early, do you?"

"I mean we wake up early for music shows." Sunwoo pointed out, sitting down on the floor. "Not too early for you either?"

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