Episode 1: Behind The Scenes 1

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Once filming ended, the idol groups thanked the staff before dispersing

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Once filming ended, the idol groups thanked the staff before dispersing. Many of them began grouping together as they reunited with their idol friends that they haven't seen in a while.

Mark glanced around, trying to find a certain person. It was hard though, as there were so many people on the set, moving around.

"We'll meet you in the changeroom." Haechan says, sensing Mark's intentions. "Don't take too long or people will be suspicious."

Mark nods his head, understanding his friend's words. He watched as the Dream members went to congratulate Gaia, starting a bit of small talk.

In the meantime, Mark threaded through the people, hoping that he'll find who he was looking for. Were there so many people here before? I swear there were less people when we were all sitting down.

"Mark!" Mark turned at the familiar voice, to see Mina there, waving at him. Beside her stood Julianne, shyly looking away as if she was scared to meet his eyes.

Mark and Mina's friendship was well-known in the industry, the two being idols prior to graduating high school. In addition to being MC's together, they frequently interacted, so it was less surprising when they spoke.

What the public didn't know was that Julianne was also one of their friends, a SOPA graduate of the Broadcasting Department.

Mark had met Mina through Julianne, as Julianne trained with some of Mina's former group members. Not long after they met, they started talking. One thing led to another and Mark was falling for the girl.

Julianne was not only pretty on the outside but inside as well. She was hardworking, constantly training and learning from those around her. One thing that Mark found very attractive was how accepting Julianne was. She would always be willing to listen to anyone's problems, which is a difficult trait to find. Plus, Julianne and him seemed to share the same type of humour, one that Mark's members and friends didn't understand.

Asking Julianne to be his girlfriend was definitely a risk, one that Mark questioned a lot before making. Not only would it jeopardize himself but his members as well, and he didn't want to get the people he considered family in trouble. Luckily, after opening up to his members, family, and friends they responded positively.

"If you meet someone you like, you should go for it." Haechan said, the male surprisingly giving good advice. "You don't fall in love everyday, especially not with the jobs we have."

"Honestly, I am scared about what happens if you get caught." That was Evie's initial reaction. "But after meeting Julianne and seeing you together, I think that it's clear that you two have something special. I think you should just date her, Mark. I've never seen you this happy with anyone else and the last thing I want to do is be the person stopping you."

So Mark had decided to go for the secret relationship, one that Julianne and those important to her also agreed on. Their managers and friends were helpful, working just as hard to keep their relationship away from the news as much as possible. It was difficult, organizing secret dates while normal couples got to do whatever they wanted. Mark learned that it didn't matter though, as he was already more than happy with visiting each other's dorms, the two of them attempting not to burn the building down as they cooked before giving up and ordering take out. It was the small moments that Mark cherished the most, and what kept their relationship alive.

With the two of them on Rule it All, their schedules lined up more. Mark hoped that they would be able to spend some extra time together, making his life a little easier.

"Mark, do you remember Julianne? We went to school together." Mina said, a playful sparkle in her eyes.

Mark decided to play along, extending his hand to a confused Julianne. "Of course I do. How could I forget such a beautiful face?"

"And that's my cue to leave." Mina patted Mark on the back. "Don't make it too obvious you two."

Once Mina was gone, Mark was tempted to hold Julianne's hand but held himself back. "You did amazing today."

"You too." Julianne replied, tilting her head down shyly. A strand of hair fell over her face, hiding her blush. "I like Boom better when you're in it."

"What are you doing after this?" Mark asked, motioning towards the hall where their dressing rooms were. Julianne took the hint, the two of them beginning to walk off the stage.

"The girls want to relax so I was just going to head to the practice room." Julianne told him. "Why? Do you have other plans?"

"What if you came to SM's practice room instead?" Mark suggested, hoping that Julianne would agree to it. "It's very nice, you know."

"I've only been there a million times." Julianne giggled, the two of them entering the halls. There were staff running around, organizing the sets and costumes as they cleaned up.

"I'll take that as a yes then." Mark smirked as he caught sight of a door, a familiar one. He had been at this film location enough times to know what was behind it.

He took Julianne's hand, quickly pulling her into the storage closet. Her eyes were wide open in shock as his lips landed on hers, the two of them sharing a chaste kiss.

"I'll see you in a bit then." Mark said as he pulled back, eyes locking with hers. He leaned forward, pressing another kiss to her temples before reaching behind her head, grabbing some paper towels before leaving the storage closet, the stunned girl still inside.

That was smooth, right? Mark asked himself as he entered his dressing room. The members all gave him a look, one that made him wonder if something bad had happened.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" Mark asked, putting the paper towels down. "Did something happen?"

"Your lipstick is smudged." Chenle told him before throwing his head back, his laugh echoing through the room.

Mark immediately began to panic, wiping his face as fast as possible as his ears turned red.


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They kinda cute :D

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