Chapter 8

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 A heavy, oppressive silence descended upon the crowd, a reflection of their inner turmoil and uncertainty. Their faces were a canvas of anger, fear, and reluctant understanding. Raven, her expression a mixture of frustration and resignation, stepped up beside me. "So much for rallying volunteers," she murmured, disappointment etching her features.

As Raven turned to leave, Knight's voice boomed with authority and finality, "Sangedakru! Disperse! This meeting is over!"

Indra, her face a mask of stoic acceptance, approached Gaia. "Faith may be blind, but loyalty isn't," she sighed, her voice a soft echo of regret and loss. "Congratulations, Gaia. You may have just severed the last thread holding Wonkru together."

I made my exit, sensing the need for privacy in the tense aftermath. Miller and Jackson fell into step behind me, their presence a silent show of support. We tread lightly on the gravel path, each step echoing the somber mood. As we distanced ourselves, I couldn't help but glance back. Indra and Gaia stood in a silent, fraught tableau, a poignant picture of conflict and connection. Their solitary figures against the backdrop of the bustling camp spoke volumes of the challenges they faced, both as leaders and as family. Turning my attention forward, I noticed Raven. She moved with purpose towards the Prisoner's camp, her stride confident yet measured. There was a certain determination in the way she navigated through the clusters of tents and makeshift structures, a testament to her resilience.

She approached one of the prisoners, a tall figure leaning against a makeshift shelter. Their conversation, though inaudible, was visibly earnest; Raven's animated gestures complemented by the prisoner's nodding. It was a dance of negotiation and persuasion, played out under the watchful eyes of the camp. Moments later, the man stood up straight, signaling to a few others nearby. They gathered their gear, a mix of apprehension and resolve on their faces. As a newly formed group, they followed Raven back towards the machine shop, their steps growing more purposeful as they neared their destination. From our vantage point, we watched this scene unfold, a small yet significant shift in the day's events. The air was heavy with the unspoken realization that every small alliance, every decision made, could tip the balance in our precarious situation.

I watched Raven's retreating figure with a mixture of relief and resignation. "Looks like Raven found her volunteers," I sighed, the weight of the situation pressing down on me.

Miller, scanning the area with a tactical eye, mused, "Maybe those prisoners could help guard our own captive."

Just then, Indra approached, her face etched with weariness. "How many in Wonkru still stand with us?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of despair.

"Not enough," Miller replied bluntly, his gaze fixed on the distant figures near the machine shop.

At that moment, Jordan appeared, breathless as he ascended the ramp. "There you are!" he exclaimed, his urgency palpable.

"What's the crisis now?" I asked, bracing myself for more bad news.

Jordan, catching his breath, blurted out, "Russell's followers. They're planning an attack."

Indra's response was immediate and sharp. "Which followers? What's the target?"

"All I know is it's happening before the execution," Jordan explained, his eyes wide with concern.

I spat out in frustration, "And we don't have the manpower to stop it."

Jordan pressed on, "We need Russell. He can talk them down."

Miller, gesturing towards the pyre with a mixture of anger and disbelief, argued, "He's the reason they're so riled up in the first place."

Jordan's voice rose, impassioned and challenging, "Is this who we are now? What about setting an example? Doing better? What would my dad think of this?"

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