Chapter 3

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 As we hurried towards the commotion, Indra joined us, her stride purposeful. "I'm moving Russell to the palace. We can protect him there," she declared, her voice laced with resolve.

I felt a surge of frustration. "We said the palace was off limits," I countered, keeping pace with her.

Indra's response was pragmatic, tinged with the hardness of a seasoned warrior. "Every battle plan is perfect until the first shot is fired," she retorted.

Raven, always considering the broader implications, asked, "And the Children of Gabriel?"

"They'll be unhappy," Indra replied, her tone dismissive. "It's either this, or we execute him now and be done with it."

The harsh reality of our options weighed heavily on me as Indra quickly moved off to where Russell was being held. Jordan caught my shoulder, his expression grim.

"Thanks for your help," I snapped, my frustration evident.

"He was to be killed," Jordan replied bluntly. "That's all I told them."

Nelson, seizing the moment, rallied the crowd with a cry of "Death to Primes!"

The chant was taken up by others, a chorus of anger and demand. "Death to Primes!" they echoed.

Indra, seeing the situation spiraling, turned to me with urgency. "We have to do this now," she hissed. "Back em op and hod yumi!"

As we entered the room where Russell was being held, his surprise at seeing me was clear. "We're moving you someplace safe," I informed him, my voice steady despite the chaos outside.

Russell's question cut through the tension. "Why are you protecting the man who killed your mother?" he asked, his eyes searching mine for an answer.

Miller, meanwhile, busied himself with undoing the chain that secured Russell to the floor.

Indra, ever direct, responded with her characteristic bluntness. "Excellent question," she said.

The room was thick with unspoken questions and tensions. Russell's fate, and our handling of it, was more than just a matter of security – it was a test of our leadership, our values, and our vision for the future of Sanctum. In that moment, the decisions we made would not only determine Russell's fate but also shape the community's perception of our leadership. As I stood there, facing Russell, the man responsible for so much pain and loss, I knew that our actions would reverberate throughout Sanctum. We were walking a tightrope of moral dilemmas and political realities, and every step had to be measured and deliberate.

Russell, with a dangerous glint in his eyes, began to take a few steps towards me. Instantly, Indra sprang into action, positioning her body as a shield between us. Her protective instinct was both appreciated and concerning. I respected her immensely and knew her capabilities as a fighter far exceeded mine, but the thought of her risking her safety for me was something I couldn't bear. Russell's voice was laced with venom as he spoke. "If I could kill you for what you did, I wouldn't hesitate," he growled, his words dripping with contempt.

My response was immediate and firm. "Get him out of here," I ordered Miller, maintaining my gaze on Russell, unwavering and resolute. It was crucial not to show any signs of fear or doubt in front of him. Only after he had walked past me did I allow myself to look away.

Indra, with her usual composure, began to lead Russell through the crowd. The tension in the air was palpable, the crowd's anger evident in their expressions and murmurs. Our guards kept their guns trained on the crowd, a necessary precaution given the volatile atmosphere. Raven, sensing the need for swift action, wrapped her arm around me, and together we began to navigate through the crowd. We moved quickly, trying to keep pace with Indra and the others, while also being mindful of the hostility that surrounded us. The situation was a stark reminder of the delicate balance we had to maintain in Sanctum. Here we were, escorting a man despised by many, a man responsible for deep grief and loss, yet our duty to ensure justice and prevent mob rule was paramount. It was a fine line to walk, and every step was fraught with potential danger. As we moved through the crowd, I could feel Raven's steady presence, her support both physical and emotional. In moments like these, the importance of unity and mutual support was more evident than ever. We were more than just leaders or peacekeepers; we were a team, bound by a shared purpose and a commitment to making Sanctum a place where justice and peace could coexist.

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