Chapter 9

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 In the dimly lit room, the air was thick with tension and unspoken questions. Miller studied the body, his expression a mix of confusion and concern. "Bullet holes," he observed, his voice echoing slightly in the enclosed space. He glanced towards me, seeking confirmation. "Bellamy?"

"Had to be," I replied, the weight of the situation settling heavily on my shoulders. "He's the only one among us with a gun."

Gaia, her brow furrowed in contemplation, offered a different perspective. "Maybe not," she said cautiously. "The foragers who discovered this didn't see any traces of our group."

Jackson, with the methodical focus of a seasoned medic, approached the body. His hands were steady as he positioned them on either side of the helmet. "Let's see who's behind this mask," he said, his voice steady but strained with the effort.

As Jackson grappled with the helmet, Gaia moved purposefully towards a shelf, retrieving a hammer with a firm grip. My chuckle broke the tense silence. "Woah, hold on. We need that helmet intact."

Confident in Raven's abilities, I added with a slight smile, "Raven will work it out." My eyes scanned the room, a sense of urgency building. "Where is she, anyway? You mentioned she was here."

Cass, standing off to the side, sighed heavily, his concern evident. "She's at the reactor, the scene of the crime. She's... it's hitting her hard."

Determined, I moved towards the door. "I'll go get her," I announced, feeling a sense of responsibility to both Raven and the situation at hand.

Just as my hand wrapped around the doorknob, a sense of impending news filled the air. Jordan entered, accompanied by a man who looked as though he had just stumbled upon a mystery. "Another one?" the blonde man exclaimed in shock.

Miller, always quick with a remark, quipped, "Looks like golden face isn't alone."

Turning to the newcomer, I asked urgently, "How many did you see?" He seemed hesitant, his eyes flicking to Jordan for some kind of reassurance.

Jordan nodded encouragingly and then turned to me. "He came looking for you at the tavern. Go on, tell her."

The man took a deep breath, steadying himself. "Just one outside the shield," he confirmed, his voice steadier now.

Gaia, ever inquisitive, pressed further. "Was he alive?"

Jordan revealed the unsettling detail, "He specifically asked for Kegan."

A cold realization dawned on me. "They have our people," I sighed, feeling the gravity of the situation. I turned back to the group, my mind racing. "We need to organize backup."

Jackson, his face etched with worry, protested, "You're heading out just like that?"

Cass, resigned to the inevitability of the situation, added, "Of course he is."

Miller delivered the hard truth. "We don't have backup. Thanks to Gaia, everyone is already committed elsewhere."

Gaia stepped forward, her demeanor one of unwavering resolve. "Then we are the backup," she stated firmly, her voice cutting through the uncertainty.

Leaving the escalating argument behind, I made my way through the dimly lit corridors of the complex, my thoughts focused on finding Raven. The incident at the reactor had cast a shadow over everything, and since the tragic loss of the prisoners during the repair, Raven had become a ghost, haunting the maintenance room. It had been days since I'd last seen her. As I entered the reactor's maintenance room, the hum of machinery filled the air. Raven stood there, a lone figure silhouetted against the large window, gazing out at the complex workings of the reactor. It was a somber reminder of the accident, of the lives lost under her watch.

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