Chapter 18

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 The room was thick with tension as Gabriel stepped forward, his voice laced with both surprise and suspicion. "Russell," he began, "what the hell is this?"

I was equally stunned to see Gabriel here. My confusion only deepened when I turned to find Raven and Bellamy also emerging from the portal behind me. That wasn't part of the deal. It was supposed to be just me.

Russell, or the man we thought was Russell, responded with a snap. "Who the hell are you?"

Gabriel's reaction was a mix of disbelief and realization. I moved to stand by his side, catching on quickly. "That's not Russell," I affirmed, my eyes narrowing as I assessed the man before us.

Then, a man among the group surrounding Russell shouted authoritatively, "This is Malachi com Sangedakru, and you will kneel before him!"

Raven's voice, low and filled with realization, came from beside me. "Well," she murmured, "I guess we found Sheidheda's code."

The revelation sent a chill down my spine. Sheidheda, the dark commander, notorious for his ruthlessness and cunning, was now in control of Russell's body. The implications were dire and far-reaching. This was not just a mere shift in leadership or power; it was the ascendance of a dangerous, manipulative mind in a place already rife with tension and conflict. As we stood there, the dynamics of the room shifted palpably. The presence of Sheidheda, a being who had long been a shadow in our stories and fears, added a new layer of danger to an already volatile situation. We were in the heart of enemy territory, surrounded by followers who were clearly devoted to this new, malevolent leader. In that moment, we knew that our challenges on Sanctum had multiplied exponentially. The stakes were higher, the dangers more acute. We had to regroup, reassess, and find a way to navigate this new threat, all while grappling with the betrayal and uncertainty that had brought us here.

Malachi's voice dripped with malevolence as he laid out his ultimatum. "Kneel...or die." The threat was simple and chilling in its directness.

Bill, however, seemed unimpressed by Malachi's show of power. He paced in front of us, his demeanor calm yet authoritative. "Ordinarily, I would be interested in enlisting your forces for our cause, but I have no time to indulge your primitive tribalism."

Without warning, Bill slightly dipped his head, a subtle signal. In an instant, the room erupted in chaos as laser fire tore through it, mercilessly taking down almost everyone present. I cursed myself for not keeping a better count of the enemy's numbers earlier.

Raven's cry of "Murphy!" cut through the commotion as we rushed to his side. He lay wounded, his face a grimace of pain mixed with disbelief.

"Invisibility and ray guns, sure," he muttered, his voice strained. "But that," he nodded towards Bellamy, "needs explaining."

My gaze followed Murphy's, landing on Bellamy, who stood amidst the carnage, his expression unreadable. The situation was spiraling out of control, with layers of complexity that were hard to grasp.

Turning my attention back to Murphy and Indra, I voiced my concern. "Tell me Madi's safe with Gaia."

Indra's response was fraught with shock. "We thought Gaia was with you."

Murphy, despite his pain, managed a nod. "Madi's safe for now."

Before we could delve deeper into the whereabouts of Gaia, Bill's voice sliced through the air, cold and commanding. "Restrain the soldier with him." His guards moved swiftly to seize Indra.

"She's with us!" I protested as they pulled her away, but my plea fell on deaf ears.

"She stood by the throne, unrestrained," Bill retorted with a hiss. "The only reason she's alive is her lack of arms."

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