Chapter 14

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 I took a decisive step forward before pivoting to confront Bill. "What did you do to them?" My voice was a mixture of accusation and demand.

The middle-aged blonde man behind me, Anders, retorted vehemently, "We did nothing. They are committed to the cause, prepared to serve humanity in the last war."

Bill picked up where Anders left off, his eyes never leaving mine. "A pivotal moment that will soon be upon us, now that you're here with the key."

I lowered my gun, my resolve hardening. "Here's the new deal," I stated firmly. "We talk to our friends alone. I don't want to see any of your men in the halls. You want my help? Earn it."

Bill issued his order with unwavering authority. "First Disciple Anders, have all nonessential personnel return to Livsec."

Anders hesitated, "Sir, I'm not sure if that's—" But he cut himself off under the combined stares of Bill and myself. "Yes, my Shepherd."

Satisfied, I turned back to Bill. "Good. Your Shepherd stays. Everyone else, out. Now."

Miller couldn't resist adding his two cents. "In other words, get the flock out of here!" His attempt at levity was typical Miller, even in the most tense situations.

Once the door closed behind the departing Disciples, we all collectively lowered our weapons.

"Miller, put him against the wall," I directed. Miller complied, pushing Bill to the far side of the room.

We grouped up, the tension still palpable. Jordan was the first to break the silence. "I have questions."

Raven was next, her frustration evident. "Yeah, get in line. Echo, Octavia, and Diyoza are with them now?"

I turned to Gabriel, confusion and frustration in my voice. "Why do they think I have the Flame in my head? That was over a hundred years ago."

Gabriel's explanation was grave. "M-Cap, memory capture. They can extract specific memories. They used it on Octavia."

Raven's realization was laced with dread. "And they saw the Flame going into his head in Polis. Incredible."

Jordan pieced it together. "If they still think it's in Kegan's head, then Echo, Octavia, and Diyoza never told them it isn't, which means—"

"They're not with them," Cass concluded, a spark of hope in her voice.

I nodded, my mind racing with strategy. "Okay. Cass, Jordan, Gabriel, stay here with Cadogan. Hold this room. If things go south, we'll need an exit. The rest of us will find out what the three most dangerous women on this, or any planet, are up to."

Our plan set, we prepared to move out, each of us aware of the high stakes and the unpredictable nature of what lay ahead. The revelation about the Flame, the uncertain loyalties, and the unknown intentions of our friends created a labyrinth of possibilities that we had to navigate carefully. Our search through the labyrinthine corridors of the facility was methodical but swift. After opening and quickly closing about ten incorrect cells, we finally stumbled upon the one holding Diyoza and Octavia. As the cell door swung open, Octavia looked up, her eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and relief.

Without a moment's hesitation, I stepped forward and pulled Octavia into a long-overdue embrace. The hug was a silent exchange of shared grief and understanding. "I'm so sorry, Octavia," I murmured, the words thick with emotion.

"I know," Octavia choked out, her voice quivering slightly. "So am I."

Reluctantly, I released her from the embrace, but our hands lingered together for a moment longer, a silent affirmation of our bond.

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