Chapter 21

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 In the aftermath of the portal, the full weight of my actions and the ensuing chaos crashed over me like a tidal wave. The human mind, much like a computer, has its limits, and mine had been reached. Panic attacks are the brain's way of signaling overload, a frantic response to unprocessable fear and stress. I was no stranger to this sensation, but it had been years since I last experienced it, not since the confined and desperate days in the Skybox. There I was, huddled in on myself, my head buried between my knees, as sobs racked my body. My breathing was erratic, a physical manifestation of the turmoil within. It was in this vulnerable state that I felt the gentle touch of small hands on my shoulders.

"Kegan?" The voice was laced with concern. It was Madi, her presence a small comfort in the midst of my breakdown. "What is it? What happened?"

Raven was there too, her arms enveloping me in a warm embrace. She murmured soft, soothing words, her voice a steady presence in the eye of my emotional storm. Her support, coupled with Madi's caring touch, formed a lifeline that slowly drew me back from the edge of panic. Gradually, as the minutes ticked by, I found my breathing beginning to stabilize. The sobs subsided, and the tightness in my chest eased. With a monumental effort, I lifted my head from my knees, my eyes red and swollen from crying. The world around me came back into focus, the familiar faces of Raven and Madi offering silent encouragement and empathy. In their eyes, I saw not just concern, but an understanding of the depth of what I had endured, of the harrowing choices I had been forced to make. Their presence was a reminder that, despite the overwhelming challenges and the weight of my actions, I was not alone. I had people who cared for me, who were there to support me through the darkest moments. It was a small solace, but in that moment, it was everything.

My voice was hoarse as I looked around in bewilderment. "Where are we?" I managed to croak out.

Indra's voice was sharp, tinged with resentment. "The Second Dawn bunker," she hissed, her eyes scanning the familiar yet ominous surroundings.

Jackson added his bit with a grim tone. "Otherwise known as hell."

Realization dawned on me. "Earth?" I marveled, my gaze lifting to the ceiling I had seen so many times before. "How?"

Bill, ever the antagonist, mocked our surprise. "This place is perfect for you," he sneered. Then, to our astonishment, he swallowed something and vanished right before our eyes, his last words echoing in the bunker, "Nano-tracking program. What is it you say? May we meet again."

I scrambled to my feet, gun in hand, but it was too late. Bill had evaporated into thin air, his escape as baffling as it was frustrating. The moment was interrupted by a familiar voice. "Welcome home, mother."

Indra's reaction was one of shock and relief. "Gaia?" she breathed out, her weapon lowering instantly.

Madi's delight was palpable. "Seda!" she squealed, her eyes lighting up. "How are you here?"

Gaia's smile was warm as she explained. "He turned off the stone but jumped through before the bridge closed, landing here. He wouldn't stop talking while we fought. He said when you're caught in a closing bridge, it defaults to the planetary origin of your DNA, Earth."

Murphy, always curious, picked up a helmet from one of the fallen Disciples. "Where's the head?"

"Buried with the rest of him," Gaia replied, her tone matter-of-fact.

Indra's voice softened as she spoke to her daughter. "Until today, no one even knew you were missing. How long have you been alone here?"

"A few days until the others arrived this morning," Gaia nodded. "I thought it would be the rest of my life."

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