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"Dig. Dig. Dig. Dig. Come on, people. Show me something!" My dad shouted at the boys who were trying for the football team.

This is so boring.

"Move it! Move it!" he continued. " Are you kidding, people? It's called sweat!"

"Show me some. Move. Move!"

"Come on, gentlemen. Suck it up"

"I don't get why i'm here. Who said i wanted to watch a batch of losers  running up and down, sweating and yelling at each other," i complained, completely bored of this whole situation.

"Oh sush you we're here to cheer on Becky," she shushed me. "I know alright, it's the only reason i came anyways," i confirmed.


"Everyone from here over, go with Coach Butz." My dad instructed.

"Everyone from here over, come with me"

"Let's find out who's gonna make this team"

When they got in line they started running one by one to catch the ball.

"Set. Go."

"Set. Go."

"Oh, man"

"Next time"

"Hands like frying pans. Set. Go" he said insulting the little boy.

Welp he didn't catch the ball.

"Speed: The distance gained divided by the time of travel. You clowns want to play football, you gotta move" with that said they lined up again and started running one by one.

"Ready. Go"

Tad was first.

"Come on, Tad. Go, Tad. Come on. Dig" Becky cheered.

"What is this, a telethon? Ready." He said again and i rolled my eyes.


"Eight point five. Excellent, Briggs"

"How did I do?" Rudy asked curiously.

"I don't know. I don't have a sundial" he said.

"Back in line"

"Hey, Icebox....you look like a boy and play like a boy. Do you pee standing up?" He said insulting Becky. I looked up and glared at him.

"No, when she's hot to trot she's still gotta squat" another boy said. Hearing that becky got him into a headlock, making him turn red. "Well that's what he gets when he messes with the icebox,"

"Get off. I can't breathe!"

"That's the whole point" she said.

"Woohoo Becky beat his ass!" I yelled from where i was sitting. "Shut up" my mom shushed me. "Rude much?"

"Becky, let him go" uncle Danny said from behind me. "Way to ruin the fun uncle," i said and he gave me glare.

"I can't breathe!"

"Get away. Come on. Get off!" He continued.

"Let him go"

With that she threw him on the ground. "You're lucky my dad showed up" she informed him.

"Hi, Danny" my mom greeted him. "Hey uncle Dan." I greeted him as he took a seat next to me.
"Hi Lexi" and he roughed my hair. "Hey, guess what, Uncle Dan? I got the whole headlock thing on tape!" My little sister said. "Oh my god can you show me that? Dude it was epic!" I said.

"No honey its okay" he said to my sister. "How's she doing?" He asked us obviously referring to becky. "She's the best one out there" my mom said with a smile. "Totally she's so gonna make the team" i said proudly.

"You know..." My dad started.

"Oh lord he's going with that goofy monologue again?" I asked. Uncle Dan sniffed a laugh while my mom said "tell me about it,"

"...today I'm reminded of what a lucky guy I am. Lucky to have been born an O'Shea. Lucky to have been born in this great town. Lucky to have been blessed with abilities...that allowed me to bring something back here to Urbania......my town,"

"Here we go" i mumbled annoyed.

"Three high school championships, a collegiate title" he continued.

"An all-American title. And not to mention...And
Heisman Trophy" he said.

"Today, I'm even more lucky......because there's one more thing I can bring back to this town: A Peewee State Championship!"

"Now, when you hear your name called....I want you to go over to Coach Butz and pick up your jersey" my dad said.

He looked down at his notebook and began shouting names.







" Lewis"











Becky and three boys stood there waiting for my dad to hopefully say their name.

"And last but not least...the backbone of this team..."

I was ready to cheer my cousin but things didn't went well.

"Shawn Murphy" he said with a smile. Hearing that my cheerful expression fell off my face. "Oh hell nah,"

"Yes! I knew it, Becky!" That Murphy kid said mocking Becky.

"Now...for the rest of you...l'd like to say..Well, I just...I'd like to thank you for trying out. And I want you to remember, hey, there's always next year"

"That's bullshit!" I shouted, not regretting it. My mom tried to get me to stop but I didn't. I couldn't just sit there and watch my cousin not get the recognition she deserved for her talent just because she's a girl.

I approached my dad with quick steps and came face to face with him. My dad turned to look at me. "Are you kidding me? Becky is the best out there why not pick her?"

"Because, honey, she's a girl, and girls don't do football," i scoffed at hearing that. "I can't believe you. First of all, be both and everyone knows that becky has talent. Pure talent. Talent that none of those assholes you chose have. Second of all, what's that supposed to mean she's a girl? She's great and you know it," he just stood there, taking in everything i said, but doing nothing about it anyways.

"Come on Lexi don't sweat it," my cousin reassured me, placing her hand on my shoulder. "I'll be home soon, uncle dan's is giving me a ride,"

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